New England Puritans overall for Americans
Historical context 1619-20 Pilgrims arrive at 1630s Puritans arrive at English History Shakespeare 1564-1616 Queen Elizabeth I 1533-1603 Stuart Kings—James I 1566-1625 Charles I 1600-1649 (executed) English Civil Wars 1640s Political battle b/w Parliament (Puritans, emerging middle class) & King (Royalists, aristocracy) > Only period of English history w/o king some millennial effort to restore “godly kingdom” leadership problems > “Restoration” of Charles II to throne But Parliament prevailed: “Constitutional Monarchy” Consequences of Puritans for England: mostly political--parliament increasingly powerful, monarchy increasingly weak
In America, however, the Puritan effort remained strong both politically and culturally Politically: Puritans as strong larger community rather than anti-government individualism Culturally--2 diverse influences Most progressive political movements like Abolition, Woman's Suffrage, progressive taxation, peace movements, health care reform, and public education have originated in or been supported by New England Puritan attention to family love, patriarchal responsibility, monogamous covenant marriage, child discipline (though discipline for them meant training, not hitting) have had strong influence on cultural conservatives and family values