LITR 3731 Creative Writing
syllabus detail

Course Counter-Objectives


What This Creative Writing Course Does Not Do for You

  • Don’t ask or expect the instructor to read and critique specimens of your writing beyond the course assignments. Instead, this course primarily offers instruction and practice in developing working relations with peer groups.

  • Information or instruction about publishing is offered only occasionally. Publishing is a labor-intensive field in which you or an agent must promote your work at your own risk. The instructor can’t be expected to help you publish or to offer any but the broadest advice regarding publication.

On the Other Hand, Here’s a Potentially  Bad Thing This Creative Writing Course Doesn’t Do

This course does not shun “popular” or “genre” literature such as romance or fantasy fiction, or sentimental or greeting-card poems, for the sake of making everything properly literary or sophisticated. Good writing may appear in any genre, for any audience. (See objective 7.)