Jennifer M. Leonard Revision Account The idea for this story came to me when I was doing research for another class I was taking. The prologue was like an actually scene I could see that I just had to describe clearly. However, that was where my sureness ended. I had this character and I had another watching her but didn't know where to go. After a little more research and reading in my Medieval History class I knew I wanted to tell the story of a strong female who existed in a time dominated by men. This is the beginning to a story I hope to finish, even if never published. I researched many areas in Medieval Europe and decided to use the Island of Skye in Northern Scotland as my setting. It has been dominated by 3 clans since the beginning of its recorded history and also influenced by Vikings. This gave me the foundation. I did more research to understand how clans were formed and changed through the period. Since presenting in class I have taken the notes I received and made changes accordingly. The most helpful was the tense recommendations I received. This is definitely an area I am lacking in and need to be cognizant of. I also changed some word usage so as not to give the reader too many words requiring explanation. For example I used description to define what an athame is, rather than saying small ritualistic knife. I also introduced the maid and gave her a name, as well as gave the main character a nickname to prevent the over use of her name in the first paragraph. Dr. White corrected most of my punctuation errors and I have learned that the semicolon is best used only when needed. Most of the feedback I received was helpful and constructive. I did receive one that was quite off putting. While I certainly didn't agree with this person it still helped to strengthen my resolve to see this story through to the end. Over all the class encouraging and complimented my descriptive writing. This will help me with the following chapters. One of my major concerns is the tendency to seem like I am writing a romance. Not to say that there won't be romantic sections, just as there will be gruesome battles, but I don't want the outcome to be a trite romantic story. I have decided that the main character will accept the offer from the Saxon but not till after she has seen the outcome of a battle not in her favor, and their relationship will not be a romantic one. It will be one of necessity that may grow into more. I will continue to write and use the tool of peer review. I have found it to be the most positive way to look back at my writing.