LITR 3731: Creative Writing 200

Discussion Leader's Questions 

Miranda Allen

Discussion Questions for Kristen Howard’s “Itinerary”

Questions for the author:

  1. Did you have any trouble coming up with an idea for your poem or did it just come to you?


  1. Did it take you long to write your poem or did you find it easy?


  1. Did you have a specific rhyme scheme you were trying to follow because I noticed that there were a couple of stanzas in which the rhyme scheme varied?


  1. Several of the stanzas contain some very long lines. Was this intentional or did you just have a little trouble with making it flow?


  1. Is there any kind of underlying message or deeper meaning about life to your poem or is it just what it is?



Questions for the class:

  1. Can any of you relate to this poem?


  1. Did anyone interpret any meaning from the poem besides the obvious “hustle & bustle” of life?


  1. Does the poem bring any visual images to mind when you read it?


  1. Does anyone have suggestions for the author on how she might improve “Itinerary”?