LITR 3731: Creative Writing 2005

Respondent's questions 
for reading presentations

Andrea Cox for Jennifer Jones's "Water Fairy"

1. What was the Target audience of Jennifer's Story "Water Fairy"? Adolescent literature
2. Where does her interest come from regarding Ireland? She loves to read and has never before been there. All personal and from books.
3. Did she research the language and names before she began to write? Yes! She wanted readers to feel what she saw in her head.
4.Does the story/would it capture the young audiences attention and is it appropriate for young people? During the reading you could hear the snickers of the class. At discussion it was said that not only will it keep their attention but so far it is clean cut and not like the adolescent books being written today.
5. Is the pace controlled? YES. Are there sentences/paragraphs that run the risk of losing the reader's interest? The 11 students that were asked this said an emphatic NO!