LITR 3731: Creative Writing 2005

Respondent's questions 
for reading presentations

14 February 2005: Mary Kay Clements's questions concerning Karen Daniels's poem "Antique Lace"

Response to Karen’s Poem

            I enjoyed the fact she used more expressive words than just the same usually wording seen in most poetry.  She expressed her deep feelings for a family member who has apparently passed, but yet had a very lasting impression on her.  The wording used in the poem allowed me to think about being in the 1950’s and just how elegant and very classy our parents would have been during this time.  She is a very expressionist person. 

            I did like some of the words not seen everyday, but then again there are some which make it lose a sense of what she is trying to get across because let us truly face facts there were some who had to sit and use a dictionary on some of the words right? I did.  I think the title does not really explain the poem exactly.  I thought it was nor descriptive enough. 

            In class questions:

1.)    What did you think about to create this poem?

2.)    How close to this family member were you?

3.)    Was this a poem you updated and made current or was this an original?

4.)    I believe this is poem falls under the section of the book talking about drawing on Friends and Relatives (pg 47); it deals with a real-life person and the complex emotions that go with this particular person. 

5.)    It has the same number of lines in each stanza, this shows organization of thought to the person you are reflecting upon. 

These are just a few of the questions to take into consideration for the class discussion and if you have anything else I might have missed please make sure you interject so I will know how to respond for future projects.