LITR 3731: Creative Writing
Student Drama Submission 2005

Karen Daniel

The Smartest Girl in Class









Dr. White

Concept Sentence:  One young and clueless girl tries her best to fit in, but she turns out making things worse as she insults the students in her class.


Jamie:  (Looking around at the class) What did you all get on your midterms? 

Mary:  (Looking at her like she is a bug or something) None of your business.

Jennifer: An 'A'

Tara:  I got a B+

Jamie:  I got an 'A' too, but I didn't read a single book.  I am so smart.  I didn't read any of the books in my junior AP English Class either.  I didn't need to.

Sherry:  I can't do that, besides, it would feel like cheating.

Andrea:  Me either.  I love reading anyways. 

Jamie:  Well, whatever.  I am just a lot smarter than any of you are. 

Mary:  In your dreams Barbie.

Dr. White walks in the classroom

Dr. White:  Okay, lets get started.  I know a lot of you took Creative Writing in high school.  How many of you think that your writing has matured as you have grown up?

(All raise their hands except for Jamie)

Dr. White:  Jamie, why do you feel that way?

Jamie:  Because, I was already perfect in high school.  I still am.  It's really irritating to always be in a class with so many stupid people.  I was the smartest person in my junior year AP English class also.

Dr. White:  Jamie, how old are you?

Jamie:  Old enough to know how smart I am.

Jennifer:  She's 21!!!

Dr. White:  Well, perhaps you will change your views as you get older and more mature.

Jamie:  Nope, I am already too smart to get any smarter.

Mary:  And if she doesn’t' shut up she is not going to have the chance to get any older!

Dr. White:  (Looking at Jamie with disbelief) Okay then, let's go on.  How do you all plan to structure your literature classes when you begin to teach?

Tara:  I really like this workshop format.  I think kids would really like it also.

Sherry:  Yes, it will really allow them to flourish and express themselves.

Jamie:  No way, it would only work if you separate the smart kids from the stupid kids!  You don't want to make the smart kids be in the same class with the idiots.  That's what happened to me in my junior AP English class.  I was so smart in high school and it is really irritating to always be the smartest person in class! 

Andrea:  (Under her breath) You sure don't have to worry about that in this class!

(All laugh except Jamie)

(one hour later)

Dr. White:  All right, before break will you all pass your research papers down to the end of your aisles and I will come by and pick them up. 

(Students all pass their papers down except Jamie)

Jennifer:  Jamie, where is your paper?

Jamie:  Oh, I haven't done it yet.

Mary:  What a surprise.

Tara:  You know, Dr. White takes ten points off every day a paper is late?

Jamie:  Well, I am so smart I am sure he will give me an 'A' anyhow.  Due dates and penalties are only for people who are not as smart as I am.  My papers are so good they should be publicated.

Bonnie:  That's not a word Jamie.

Jamie:  Yes it is.  You sure aren't very smart or educated, are you?

Sherry:  You sure are conceited Jamie, and Bonnie is right, that's not a word. 

Jamie:  (Shouting) Yes it is!!!  It means to publish something.  God, do you all just have GEDs instead of high school diplomas?  It really ticks me off to have to be in class with people who only have a GED!  I am so much smarter than that!

Mary:  I swear I am going to shut you up one day!

Tara:   (Standing up) You know Jamie, a lot of us have GEDs, and we are not stupid.

Jamie:  Yes you are.  If you were as smart as me, you would have graduated from high school. 

(Tara walks out, visibly upset)

Sherry:  That was really mean, Jamie.  Some people have other reasons for not getting diplomas, and it's not right to make assumptions about them.

Jamie:  Well, they’re just idiots, and colleges shouldn't let them in so that I have to be in class with them. 

Andrea:  God, Jamie, what were you, the valedictorian of your graduating class or something?

Jamie:  Nope, but I was 180th out of 202.  Man, those people below me were so stupid!  I don’t even know how they let them graduate.  It makes my high school look bad!

Jennifer:  (Sarcastically) Yes, if they were stupider than you are then it's a wonder they even made it to high school at all.

Jamie:  You got that right!!!

(All laugh except Jamie who looks around confusedly).


Theme Sentence:  Sometimes people with low self-esteem feel the need to impress others with their abilities to make themselves feel better.