LITR 3731: Creative Writing
Student Poetry Submission

Sara Brito

Who Loves Ya Baby?

My husband can’t save me now,
though it was him who drove me here.
To fight, curse and cry
through my greatest fear. 

I made my peace with God,
they say it’s good to do.
But I really can’t stop thinking
of this fashion faux pas cap of blue. 

Try to smile for the camera, this could be the time if mom sees this when I’m gone she should think I liked the crime I’ll commit against nature against gravity itself So why am I up here trying to prove myself There are birds for these things humans shouldn’t fly what the hell am I doing up this high Who the hell is this Elio, why is his package at rest on my back He screams in accented English his glazed look screeches
I’m on CRACK!!!  

Don’t they screen these guys?
He has my life in his hands.
 I’m supposed to trust him
not to smack me into land? 

That damn little chord that I can’t quite reach,
 taunts me with visions of my eternal sleep.
Elio comes through with an Inspector Gadget type arm,
My husband said I’d come to no harm.

He dragged me out here,
said “face death to learn trust.”
Elio pulled that damned cord,
so it’s my husband I’ll cuss.

by Sara Brito