LITR 3731: Creative Writing
Student Poetry Submission 2003

Jessica Bacon

(revised version)

Bottoms Up

Tuesday morning...alarm echoes in my head.
Shouldn’t have spent the last night drinking.
Two for one drinks!  Ladies’ night!
Might feel better if I had just watched TV… 

Tuesday morning...pounding headache.
I should have invested in Advil by the case,
I can feel my brain cells dying off.
Captain Morgan, you were my best friend last night. 

Tuesday morning...I smell like a bar.
My hair inhaled about a pack of Marlboros.
Have to crawl to the shower before work.
Hitting bottom never felt so good.


(original version)

Bottoms Up

Tuesday morning...alarm sounds like a siren.
Shouldn’t have spent the last night drinking.
Two for one!  Ladies’ night!
Should have spent the night at home.

Tuesday morning...pounding headache.
Maybe I should have invested in Advil,
I can feel my brain cells dying off.
Jack, you were my best friend last night.

Tuesday morning...I smell like a bar.
My hair inhaled about a pack of Marlboros.
Have to crawl to the shower before work.
Hitting bottom never felt so good.