LITR 3731: Creative Writing
Student Drama Submission 2003

Robert S. Andresakis

“When Things Go Boom!”

Concept Sentence: Group members make speculative assumptions about a lone individual. A lesson is learned in the end.

Theme Sentence: Some one is always listening, and it may be the person that you are talking about paying the most attention.

Scene: Classroom. The teacher is located at the black board writing notes as he teaches in a monotone voice, seemingly oblivious to the students. Three young women and a young man, members of a literature club, sit gossiping in the back row. Robert sits apart from them furiously scribbling what looks to be notes. It is obvious that Robert can over hear them. The order of sitting is Laurie, Enrique, Reani and Robin.

David- Teacher

Teacher: (Monotone Voice and tapping the board as he writes friendship on the board) Cicero wrote a doctrine on friendship in 400A.D. In his doctrine he gave warning to choose your friends wisely. This warning was a part of a … (Continues mumbling in monotone)

Enrique: (Leaning over and talking to the three girls in a tone that is little less than conversational and a little more than a whisper.) So, he just refused to go to the meeting?

Laurie: Not so much refused as graciously declined.          

Enrique: He refused.

Laurie:  Not really, he just said that he had made other plans and couldn’t attend.

Reani: Yep, that’s ditching all right. Sounds like a true blow off.

Laurie: Not really.

Robin: Technically, it’s not a blow off until he does it again.

Laurie: Thank you.

Teacher: (Monotone voice while scribbling notes on the board) And in the Crito, Socrates converses with his friends. Remember that Socrates has been imprisoned… (continues mumbling as the scene shifts and fades off.)

Enrique: Look at him taking notes. He’s just the studious student isn’t he. (Said sarcastically.)

Laurie: More so than us I guess. (Yawns) I’m just about to fall asleep.

Reani: Me too. This is worse than talking to my husband on football night.

Laurie: You can talk to you husband?

Reani: Occasionally, but the best response I can get is half grunts. (Makes grunting noises approximating yes and no.)

Enrique: (Watches Robert write.)You think he’s really taking notes?

Reani: Nope, 20 to 1 he’s pulling a Columbine and writing bomb threats to the university president.

(Robert laughs softly obviously hearing the comment, pauses from his writing, and looks at them.)

Robin: Oh, stop that. You know better.

Reani: (Shrugging) What?

Enrique: You really think that?

Reani: I don’t know him, how the hell should I know what he is writing?

Laurie: Why not ask him?

Teacher: Again, in monotone voice oblivious to the students. And in The Enchiridion, letter 42, the stoics believe that, and I quote from memory, “When any person does ill by you, or speaks ill of you, remember that person acts or speaks from an impression that is right for him to do so.” In this passage we see… (Continues mumbling in monotone.)

Enrique: Sure let’s just ask him, (sarcastically) Hey Robert, how’s the bomb threats – (looks towards Laurie) -You dope.

Robin: That’s not nice.

Laurie: Yeah, that’s not nice. (Slaps Enrique in the back of the head.)

Reani: Neither is ditching us.

Enrique: (Rubbing the back of his head) – Right.

Robin: Not right, I mean he had plans and it was last minute- give the guy a break.

Reani: Why? It’s been pretty obvious.

Robin: What? That he had prior obligations?

Enrique: It’s been obvious that he’s ignoring us.

Reani: Exactly!

Enrique: I can see it now. Dear UHCL President...

Robin: Stop making fun of him. (Dryly)

Reani: (Laughing) Yea I can see that letter. It’s 25 pages long and ends with your friend Boom! (Boom said a little too loud. Robert looks over at the group and smiles. They smile back.)

Laurie: It’s funny, that much I’d admit, but it’s just that it can’t be true. He’s way to nice.

Enrique: Sure, I’m sure it’s just a short story or something.

Reani: Right. (Unbelieving, and again a little too loud.)

Robin: Hush the teacher’s looking.

(Teacher shows first signs of annoyance and looks back at the group.)

Teacher: (Annoyed) Since some of us have already left for the afternoon (eyes the four in the back) we will adjourn for the day. (Class begins to rustle and people get up to leave. Robin Reani, and Laurie are talking quietly amongst themselves. As Robert approaches to exit, Laurie motions for Robert to approach.)

Laurie: Hey Robert. Umm were you taking notes in class?

Robert: (Grinning amused.) Nah, just writing a bomb threat to the president of the school. (Laughs) What else would it be?

(The four are shocked and looked back and forth at each other. Robert waits a second and hands a folded piece of paper to Laurie. She unfolds it and reads to the group in hushed tones.)

Laurie: Dear UHCL President, (the four exchange glances.) I would like to take this opportunity to express a sincere feeling of gratitude for allowing an explosive literature club to exist in this school. The club ignites the mind and is truly a valuable asset to the student body. Signed and dated Robert.

Robin: See, I told y’all it wasn’t nice.