LITR 5738: Literature of Space & Exploration

Index to Student Research Project 2004

Jamie Davis, essay: "The Explorer and the Explored: Motivations, Problems, and Effects of the Journey"

Laurie Eckhart, journal: "Russian Exploration: One American's Journey"

Jerry Hamric, creative option: "Mission to Mars: 2030"

James Hood, essay: Defining and Defending the Mission: Impossible in the Literature of Space and Exploration?

Kim Keyes, essay: "Robyn Davidson’s Tracks:  A Journey of Self-Discovery"

Chris Lucas, essay: "Moving Beyond Individualism"

Theresa Matthews, essay: "Explorers: The Modern Day Hero"

Kristy Pawlak, journal: "Ocean Exploration: The Facts, The Fiction, and the Somewhere In-Between"

Simone Rieck, journal: "Antarctica: The Last Frontier"

Ashley Salter, essay: "Animals in Exploration Literature"

Rebecca Wilson, journal: "Us and Them--Stories of First Contact"

Anonymous, journal: Science Fiction as Nonfiction Fiction