LITR 5738: Literature of Space & Exploration


Index to Student Midterms 2004
Jamie Davis,
Motivations and Problems
Laurie Eckhart,
"The Romance of Failing with a Stiff Upper Lip: Gentlemen Explorers"
Jerry Hamric,
"The Quest"
James Hood, "Gothic
Markers and the Psychology of Exploration Literature"
Kim Keyes,
"The Sublime and the Explorer's 'Moment'"
Chris Lucas,
"The Essence of Exploration"
Theresa Matthews,
"Exploring the Mind of an Explorer"
Kristy Pawlak,
"From the Private to the Public: How Audience Changes Everything"
Simone Rieck,
"Exploring the Genre"
Ashley Salter,
"Stranger than Fiction: Verisimilitude and the Reality Effect in Texts of
Polar Exploration"
Marc Schooley
Rebecca Wilson,
"Donkeys and Lions: Scott and Amundsen as Leaders and Men
"Darwinian implications and
theory related to Ice Explorations