LITR 5731 Seminar in Multicultural Literature

American Immigrant Literature


[Works Cited for Kristin Hamon LITR thesis]


Acuna, Rodolfo. Occupied America: A History of Chicanos. 3rd ed. New York: Harper Collins, 1988. Print.

Allen, James P. "How Successful Are Recent Immigrants to the United States and Their Children?" APCG Yearbook 68.1 (2006): 9-32. Project Muse. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 3 July 2009.

Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Spinsters/Aunt Lute, 1987. Print.

Boelhower, William. “The Immigrant Novel as Genre.” MELUS 8.1 (1981): 3-13. JSTOR. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 17 February 2011.

Candelaria, Nash. “El Patron.” Imagining America: Stories from the Promised Land. Ed. Wesley Brown and Amy Ling. New York: Persea, 2002. 221-228. Print.

Castillo, Ana. “My Mother’s Mexico.” Latina: Women’s Voices from the Borderland. Ed. Lillian Castillo-Speed. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. 25-36. Print.

Cave, Damien. “Better Lives for Mexicans Cut Allure Going North.” The New York Times. 6 July 2011., Accessed 6 July 2011.

Chicago Cultural Studies Group. “Critical Multiculturalism.” Critical Inquiry. 18.3 (1992): 530-555. JSTOR U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 17 February 2011.

Emerson, Ralph Waldo. “The American Scholar.” The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Shorter 7th ed. Ed. Nina Baym. New York: Norton, 2008. 520-532. Print.

---. “History.” The Portable Emerson. Ed. Carl Bode. New York: Penguin Books, 1981. 115-137. Print.

Galarza, Ernesto. “Barrio Boy, Part 5.” The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature. Ed. Ilan Stavans. New York: Norton, 2011. 531-551. Print.

Gonzalez, Gilbert. Personal interview. 2 October 2010.

Guevara, Sonia. “Being Mexican American.” Unpublished essay, 2011.

Iser, Wolfgang. “Interaction between Text and Reader.” The Norton Anthology of Literary Theory. Ed. Vincet B. Leitch. New York: Norton, 2001. 1673-1682. Print

Jay, Gregory S. “End of ‘American’ Literature: Toward a Multicultural Practice.” College English 53.3.1 (1991): 264-281. JSTOR. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 11 Novemver 2010.

Jiménez, Franciso. The Circuit: Stories from the Life of a Migrant Child. New York: Persea Books. 2003. Print.

Kim, Claire Jean. “Clinton’s Race Initiative: Recasting the American Dilemma.” Polity 33.2 (2000): 175-197. JSTOR. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 10 Novemver 2011.

Kuper, Adam. Culture: The Anthropologists’ Account. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1999. Print.

Martinez, Rueben. Crossing Over. New York: Picador, 2001. Print.

McNamara, Kevin. “What Does Culture Want?: Observations on the ‘Nature’ of Diversity.” Minorities and Power in the English-Speaking World. Ed. Taoufik Djbouti. Caen, France: Université de Caen Press, forthcoming.

Mohr, Nicholasa. “The English Lesson.” Imagining America: Stories from the Promised Land. Ed. Wesley Brown and Amy Ling. New York: Persea, 1991. 21-34. Print.

Moya, Paula, M. L."’This is Not Your Country!’: Nation and Belonging in Latina/o Literature." American Literary History 17.1 (2005): 313-338. Project Muse. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 5 August 2009.

Nagel, Joane."Constructing Ethnicity: Creating and Recreating Ethnic Identity and Culture." Majority and Minority: The Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity in American Life. 6th ed. Ed. Norman R. Yetman. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. 57-70. Print.

Paredes, Raymond A. "Mexican American Authors and the American Dream." MELUS 8.4 (1981): 71-80. JSTOR. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX.  26 April 2011.

Pérez, Ramón “Tianguis.” Diary of an Undocumented Immigrant. Houston: Arte Publico Press, 1991. Print.

Pérez-Torres, Rafael. "Nomads and Migrants: Negotiating a Multicultural Postmodernism." Cultural Critique 26 (1993-1994): 161-189. JSTOR. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX.  11 April 2010.

Rodriguez, Luis J. “Always Running, Chapter 1.” The Norton Anthology of Latino Literature. Ed. Ilan Stavans. New York: Norton, 2011. 2048-2061. Print.

Rodriguez, Richard. Days of Obligation: An Argument with My Mexican Father. New York: Penguin Books, 1992. Print.

---. Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez. New York: Bantam, 1982. Print.

Sassen, Saskia. “America’s Immigration ‘Problem.’” Majority and Minority: The Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity in American Life. 6th ed. Ed. Norman R. Yetman. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. 474-485. Print.

Shea, Anne. “Don’t Let Them Make You Feel You Did a Crime’: Immigration Law, Labor Rights, and Farmworker Testimony. MELUS 28.1 (2003): 123-144. JSTOR. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX.  5 May 2011.

Soto, Gary. “The Bike.” from Growing Up Chicana/o. Ed. Tiffany Ana López. New York: Harper Collins, 1993. 233-236. Print.

"Table 11 – Persons Obtaining Legal Permanent Resident Status by Broad Class of Admission and Region and Country of Last Residence: Fiscal Year 2010." 2011. Office of Immigration Statistics, Department of Homeland Security. Web. 15 July 2011.

Todorov, Tzvetan.  The Conquest of America: The Question of the Other. 1982. Trans. Richard Howard. New York: Harper & Row, 1984. Print.

Urrea, Luis Alberto. The Devil’s Highway. New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2004. Print.

Velasco, Juan. "Automitografias: The Border Paradigm and Chicano/a Biography." Biography 27.2 (2004): 313-338. Project Muse. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 4 August 2009.

Wiley, Catherine. "Teatro Chicano and the Seduction of Nostalgia." MELUS 23.1 (1998): 9-115. JSTOR. U of Houston, Clear Lake Lib., Houston, TX. 11 November 2010.

Yetman, Norman R., ed. Majority and Minority: The Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity in American Life. 6th ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999. Print.

Yezierska, Anzia. Bread Givers. New York: Persea, 2003. Print.