Junot Diaz, "How to Date a Browngirl . . . “ (IA
276-279) Question for "How to Date a Browngirl" . . . How does the main character-speaker seem like an immigrant, like a minority, or something in-between? minority identity or experience 277 tear gas, mother recognized its smell from the year the United States invaded your island 276 that tia (extended family) 276 government cheese (association with "minority handouts" as opposed to "immigrant opportunity") 276 embarrassing photos of your family, half-naked kids, your cousins (strong connections to old world of home country) 277 sounds like a principal or a police chief (minorities often oppose dominant culture authority figures)
immigrant identity or experience 277 white ones are the ones you want the most (attraction to dominant culture, intermarriage) + 278 in truth, you love them more than you love your own 277 out-of-towners, blackgirls who grew up with ballet and Girl Scouts, three cars in driveways (further exploration of in-between identity) 277 if she’s a halfie don’t be surprised if her mother is white (intermarriage!) 277 your busted up Spanish (losing connection to home country, immigrant language)
278 never lose a fight on the first date 278 Uncle Tomming (selling out?) 278 black people . . . Dominicans (the usual questions about separate identity or assimilating identity)
Edwidge Danticat, “Children of the Sea” (IA 98-112) 98 nightmares 98 Haiti is just the way you left it 99 closed the schools since the Army took over all the other youth federation members have disappeared manman says hat butterflies can bring news pregnant girl on board, face covered with scars the hopelessness of the future in our country I used to read a lot about America, university exams, Miami no borderlines on the sea 100 lot of Protestants on this boat . . as Job or the Children of Israel, part the sea for us some good wanga magic [a magical charm packet found in the folk magic practices of Haiti, and as such it is connected to the West African religion of Vodun, which in turn derives from the Fon people of what is now Benin.] syncretism you have a name, you have a reputation our neighbor madan roger came home with her son's head and not much else the macoutes 101 charcoal layer of sunburn, x-mistaken for Cubans some Cubans black too took the Cubans to Miami and sent him back to Haiti Beloved Haiti, there is no place like you. I had to leave If I was a girl, maybe I would have been at home 102 all the American factories are closed slapping me really hard finally an African, even darker than your father 103 dreamt I died and went to heaven starfishes and mermaids make the son sleep with his mother, a daughter and father 104 you are an educated girl 104 feel like we are sailing for Africa treat Haitians like dogs in the Bahamas . . . same African fathers 104 cf. slave ships 106 they are the law, law of the land, nothing we can do sometimes hope is the biggest weapon of all to use against us 107 offering for Agwe, spirit of water 108 Do you remember our silly dreams? my mother had a
111 live with Agwe at bottom of sea 112 another boat sank off the cost of the bahamas
Paule Marshall, “The Making of a Writer: From the Poets in the Kitchen” [handout]; Paule Marshall, “To Da-Duh, in Memoriam” (IA 368-377)
Paule Marshall, “To Da-Duh, in Memoriam” (IA 368-377)
“To Da-Duh” 368 ship that brought us from NY alien sights and sounds of Barbados caught between sunlight at her end of the building and the darkness inside-and for a moment she appeared to contain them both white dress . . . sense of a past that was still alive 369 darkness . . . in her face both child and woman, darkness and light, past and present, life and death--all the opposites contained and reconciled in her 369 wiped out the 15 years my mother had been away and restored the old relationship 369 not only did Da-duh prefer boys, but she also liked her grandchildren to be “white,” that is, fair-skinned . . . cousins, the outside children of / white estate managers girl child takes after her father 370 why I don’t like to go anyplace with you St. Andrews people . . . You all ain’t been colonized” 371 the canes, as giant weeds I longed for the familiar;A for the street in Brooklyn St. Thomas canes 371 purchased it with Panama money sent her by her eldest son, my uncle Joseph, who had died working on the canal [colonialism] 372 the names of the trees as though they were those of her gods my world did seem suddenly lacking I bet you don't even know that these canes here and the sugar you eat is oen and the same thing. . . . some damn machine at the factory inexplicably angry motion I found myself in the middle of a small tropical wood . . . a violent place . . . earth smelled like spring 373 what's this snow like that you hear so much about a dance called the Truck which was popular back then in the 1930s as if I were a creature from Mars 374 refrigerators, radios, gas stoves . . . I beat up a white girl 374 Beating up white people? Oh the lord, the world’s changing up so I can scarce recognize it anymore 375 Empire State Building fight went out of her like a Benin mask, ancient abstract sorrow 376 gazing out at the land as if it were already doomed died during the famous '37 strike England sent planes flying low over the island, in a show of force 377 I went to live alone thunderous tread of machines
Compare Afro-Caribbean immigrants to Hispanic immigrants as "in-between" Immigrant and Minority status Both Hispanics and Afro-Caribbeans are "New World" or "Inter-American" immigrants. Contrast these groups' varying backgrounds and impacts on racial issues.
Why do we know so little about the Caribbean? 1. So many different nations, each with specific history 2. Perhaps some repression of information from southern interests in the US, who may have shunned knowledge of African revolutions, slave revolts, and mixed-race identities.