Online Texts for Craig White's Literature Courses

  • Not a critical or scholarly text but a reading text for a seminar

  • Gratefully copied and adapted from

  • Changes may include paragraph divisions, highlights, spelling updates, bracketed annotations, & elisions (marked by ellipses . . . )


Crusoe's Journal


Derek Walcott


Once we have driven past Mundo Nuevo trace

safely to this beach house

perched between ocean and green, churning forest

the intellect appraises

objects surely, even the bare necessities

of style are turned to use,

like those plain iron tools he salvages from shipwreck, hewing a prose

as odorous as raw wood to the adze;

out of such timbers

came our first book, our profane Genesis

whose Adam speaks that prose

which, blessing some sea-rock, startles itself

with poetry's surprise,

in a green world, one without metaphors,

like Christofer he bears

in speech mnemonic as a missionary's

the Word to savages,

its shape an earthen, water-bearing bessel's

whose sprinkling alters us

into good Fridays who recite His praise,

parroting our master's

style and voice, we make his language ours,

converted cannibals

we learn with him to eat the flesh of Christ. . . .


 . . . So from this house
that faces nothing but the sea, his journals
assume a household use;
we learn to shape from them, where nothing was
the language of a race.









from this house
that faces nothing but the sea, his journals
assume a household use;
we learn to shape from them, where nothing was
the language of a race (94)