LITR 5731 Multicultural Literature    
Model Assignments

Student Midterm Research Plan 2009

Allen Reid


Research Project

            For my research project I would like to do a term paper. In the term paper I would like to do research to further explore colonial and post colonial theory. Some of the articles I will look at and consider for incorporation in to my research project are found in Critical Terms for Literary Study. I want to weave in the ideas of Paul A Bove on discourse and Seamus Deane writings on Imperialism into my midterm. In other words I would like to expand the thought process that I began with the midterm. I will broaden the midterm by incorporating more books in than Robinson Crusoe and Lucy. As the semester develops and we read and discuss more books I plan on adding them in my research project. The majority of my research will come from the MLA database. My main focus will be to see how dialogue and discourse can be used to study post colonial and colonial literature.