LITR 5731: Seminar in American Multicultural Literature (Minority)

Index to Student Midterms, Spring 2006

Karen Daniel, "The Passing Trend of Color Lines"

Anuruddha Ellakkala, "Can Literacy Dissolve a Slave’s Chains?"

Giselle Hewitt, "Sexual Objectification and Empowerment Through Sexuality of African American Women in Literature"

Karen Hrametz, "Alternate and Dysfunctional Family Patterns in Life of a Slave Girl, Song of Solomon, and Push"

Devon Kitch, "The Hip-Hop Culture in African American Literature: Progress or Regression?"

Danielle Lynch, "Sexual Oppression within Double Minorities in African American Literature"

Sara Moreau [undergraduate], "A Right to Choose"

Kim Pritchard, "Redefining the Traditional Community: The Alternative Community in The Classic Slave Narratives Song of Solomon, and Push"

Crystal Reppert, "Gender Flux in Black Minority Literature"

Roxane Richter, "Minority Responses to Subordination: Assimilation, Inequalitarian Pluralism, and Resistance"