LITR 5731 Seminar in
American Multicultural Literature: Minority
Index to selected final exam submissions, spring
copy of final exam assignment
Patricia (Pat) Dixon,
"Personal Reflections on American Minority Literature: My Journey to Understanding"
& "What’s at Issue? The Recurring Argument"
Leah Guillory,
"Minority Literature: A Fascinating Experience"
Jennifer Jones,
"Seminar in American Minority Literature – The Experience" & "Cultural History
and Fiction"
Philip Jones,
"African American and Gay: The Challenges, Obstacles, and Victories of Living as
a Double Minority" & "Literary Representations of American Culture"
Gordon Lewis,
"Minority Literature--a Personal Reflection" & "The Mexican American – Caught
Between Two Worlds"
Gary Pegoda,
"Where are the Indians, and if We See Them, How Will We Know?" & "Concepts of
Imagination and Personality Emerging from Studies of Minority Literature"
Corey Porter,
“'I Choo-Choo-Choose You!' or, Quotes from
The Simpsons Used as
Final Exam Titles" & “'Me Fail English? That’s Umpossible.' or, Cultural
Relevance in Understanding Literature"
Kathleen Anderson,
"My Experience with the Issue of Class in American
Minority Literature"