LITR 5731 Seminar in American
Multicultural Literature The Best Little Boy in the World
style leaders: blacks and gays
Dad in Best Little Boy 36 “There couldn’t be that many people with homosexual tendencies . . . .”
Question re convergence of gay identity & artistic / intellectual identity?
1st answer: higher tolerance in literary / artistic circles +- professional world meritocracy vs. moralism
2nd answer: gays as automatic outsiders, numerical minority If love is prohibited, then love is refocused
3rd answer frequent absence of children may enable continued artistic productivity American literature: Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Henry James, Langston Hughes-- contrast domestic heterosexuals with stressed-out, abbreviated careers: Sylvia Plath, Poe, Hawthorne, Melville art careers as forms of priesthood issue of artist's identity + gay identity won't go away some male artists over-compensate men often establish masculine identity by distancing from gay identity
how develop voice? (unnatural, unspeakable) Cf. Harriet Jacobs: name changes to protect Memoir as genre Class as length of childhood Technique of repression, displacement, delay ["make them
last week's class, introduced idea of homosexuality as potential minority or identity category gay identity always numerical minority, but persistent minority factor or faction in human populations of all races, classes gay identity always eventually repressed in some ways or others, but not always in same ways not a single, predictable, uniform identity no single explanation for gay identity (genetically predestined or choice?)
numbers or percentages range from as low as 3% to as high as 20%, depending on how counted Dad in Best Little Boy 36 “There couldn’t be that many people with homosexual tendencies . . . .” religious / moral interpretation + evolutionary / genetic model churches, other religious institutions as proponents of heterosexual procreation but also shelters for difference (not just gay but also celibate)
Attitude toward homosexuality as subject? for some, an identity issue either through their own experience or that of a sibling, even a parent--emotionally compelling intellectual approach: opportunity to learn about a subject that is forbidden, repressed, but finds expression through diverse means--perpetually eludes normal categories premise: while homosexuality will be an everyday reality for some fraction of any population, for most it will be something "other" as "other," homosexuality is usually denied choice and voice alternative strategy: regard homosexuality as "mystery" rationale: homosexuality is repressed in so many ways, that it will express itself in many different ways avoid reductive thinking, even if sympathetic
overall, plenty of prejudice and ignorance remains, but enormous changes in last generation, more than anyone could have predicted personally inclined to regard out-of-closet gays as the bravest people of my generation Don't mean to over-simplify issues, but so far, so slowly the gay voice is winning over the voice of repression for instance, the flash point in recent "culture wars" is decreasingly whether gay identity is automatically excluded from all consideration > "gay marriage" plus or minus adoption issues compare opposition to evolution going from creationism to intelligent design
Question: gains/pains in teaching gay lit?
silence becomes voice, dark becomes light, unknown > known; demystification of
entire range of human experience; dispels fear Pain: don’t like women; comparable to
lesbian / feminist lit?
less oppression than taste 51 mean to girl (chin) 128 [woman] fag hag 148 thirty-yard layer of women tossing around footballs and
cursing each other out. 140 x-femininity 167 one of my closest friends is a straight woman 132 homophobia + sexism against women pain:
reason for being (sexual difference & expression) is off-limits for many readers how make acceptable? 119 hadn’t been
anything (comic relief) 134 I am by no means going to describe 165 having sex with loads of different people alternate community / culture 191 [gay community] compare / contrast marriage, family 192 family of sorts 238 group being broken up geographically + Afterword Difficulty of respecting voice while respecting those who
don’t want to hear it None of us can read everything; all of
us put up some walls.
Me: Holocaust. Identification with
dominant culture 83 Puerto Rican > white gender > race / class 135 SAT scores (i. e., how invested in dominant culture) 152 rather independent, private person who is not awfully good
at sharing things 153 mechanical, analytical 163 so human 163 thought I had somehow been born without feelings 164 neutral, feelingless, cold, coldly analytical,
calculatingly self-centered
Best Little Boy in the World
Author’s Note to the Original Edition owning up to one’s true identity x protect their privacy ideally . . . no reason to write a book like this at all 3 write a disgusting thing; cf. P. 13 (fart, masturbate) 4 in the hall closet 4 hide and seek 5 metaphor of mattress tag [displacement] 5 the Law 6 [class] early American house in
7 decision tree 7 absolute sense of right and wrong 8 lying to your parents 9 elderly black maid, tickles feet 11 West Side >
11 gifted children, you know 12 religion? 12 way to play the game, very Establishment 12 superpolite 13 evil lurking within
me 13 don't let on 14 been to
14-15 don't do it, never speak of it 15 fart > sealed anus [displacement, repression > return of
repressed] 16 [class] sleep-away camp 16 I suppose I learned what it meant 18 things we never
talked about 19 Hiding something? . . . I will get to that 19 [delay / promise] 21 prescribed text 23 sex education program in school 23 [class] doormen 26 good build 27 snatches of
conversation 28 repressed 28 comedy of rejection / sympathy 29 [computer metaphor] 31 bursting to tell
someone [voice as sex metaphor] 32 What are you hiding? 33 wet dream: Tommy
[x-conscious choice; dreams x-repression] 34 a lot of experimenting going on 35 two cowboys . . . nothing
unmentionable [platonic love? Cf. Red River] 36 eleven, knew: snake eyes 36 “There
couldn’t be that many people with
homosexual tendencies . . .
37 so
the word 37
self-awareness: wonder why I liked it 37 a secret 37 defense = ignorance 38 x-homo > cowboy
(cf. Mean sisters) 38 dad’s story (of
father beating) 38 Hoover and Tolson:
lifelong friend 39 chains self-imposed 40 just can’t tell you 41 takes one to know one 41 Secret City 44 told the story
(established identity) 50 cover would be blown 51 science x girl 51 mean to girl (chin) 51 wonder what made me different—upside-down chromosome? 54 knowing > world would know 56 stories impossible to check 57 open up 59 problem of communication: he too would be pretending 61 [to reader]
Presumably it rubs you wrong to read about guys loving other guys 62 If only I could have told him 65 Can you imagine sleeping like that—with Ali MacGraw, if you
prefer—and not being able to touch? 67 my pretend-normal vocabulary 68 "using" her as a cover, but I needed a cover 69 just a few years ago 72 If only I had
someone to talk with 73 denial 74 liberated gay x
Uncle Tom [ethnic to gender] 74 closet cases, closet queens 75 identify with Tommy
(compare patriarchy) 75 logical impossibility to find them 76 stories . . . ruin
their lives 78 military 79 now I know 81 no > yes > no 83 Puerto Rican > white gender > race / class 84 computers (major) 85 sublimate sex > work 87-88 perfect alibi
(story) 89 all-male camps, schools 91 lead discussion around to . . . homosexuality
91 I just might find out who else besides Jon was gay.
And that someone else just might be
straight-looking, straight-acting, and straight-talking, like me. 93 x-gays that look gay 94 excuse 95 eleven years' worth of defenses keeping my mouth shut 97 I told him I liked
boys instead of girls 99 I had someone to
talk with 101 One thing I knew for sure was that I was not changeable 102 Hypnosis, Freudian psychoanalysis, shock treatment, or
just “the right girl” 102 “Do you think a psychiatrist could make you gay?”
[choice?] 103 my masculinity
remained 103 talk > action I’ve been talking a lot
about it . . . Isn’t it time for a little action. 104 I could speak the
words with some fluency 105 coming out > getting stoned 106 movie > gay life, gay lingo 107 “Personals”
in The Other 111 a story like mine 111 the real world 115 homosexual-sounding (“Don’t I please you?”) 116 story sounded kind of strange
119 hadn’t been
anything (comic relief) 121 on my way 122-123 parents 123 what makes people gay? Patterns, probability 124 hours
telling me all about 124 Oscar might
have told me all kinds of stories about how hard it is for
at first 125 marks: x-glasses; body shirt x sweater (class): genuinely
collegiate 125 Having never before walked through a door like that, I
would now walk through them on and off for the rest of my life 126 lateness of gay life—not likely to be discovered by decent
friends 128 [woman] fag hag 129 little neighborhoods [gay bar] [from outside, monolithic;
inside, diverse] 130 question of attractiveness 130 subculture: fashions, mannerisms, codes of behavior 131 intolerance > stereotypes > intolerance 131 intolerance for two
reasons: propagation of species & “masculinity” 132 homophobia + sexism
against women 134 Lone Ranger and Tonto 134 I am by no means
going to describe 134 [dodges, represses, happens off-page] 135 SAT scores (i. e., how invested in dominant culture) 137 coming out with a vengeance 137 Why so promiscuous? 138 [pre-AIDS] 139 telling him these things helped relax me 139 Eric first one who made me formulate verbal expressions
for what I had always felt 140 subculture habit [that] helps avoid being found out 140 x-femininity 141 [60s-70s] not inhibited by traditional social taboos 143 [Sporters unmarked] kind of people you wouldn’t be likely
to notice 144 x-cowboys? 145 gay parlance 148 gay tax
base, 148 thirty-yard layer of women tossing around footballs and
cursing each other out. 149 less obvious signs 149 looked anything but gay and all the more attractive for
that 151 “Lover” only word available > “best friend” [cf. Monette,
“friend”] 152 rather independent, private person who is not awfully good
at sharing things 153 mechanical, analytical 163 so human 163 thought I had somehow been born without feelings 164 neutral, feelingless, cold, coldly analytical,
calculatingly self-centered 165 having sex with loads of different people 166 homosexual self-hate 167 one of my closest
friends is a straight woman 167 problem of roles; cf. Heterosexuals 169 Men find male homosexuality harder to accept than women,
more threatening, trained to find it repulsive 169 cf. Discrimination with black resumes and women’s resumes 171 parental denial 173 not to be talked about 174 writing book because want to, something meaningful,
understand 179 telling fantasies > closest friend 181 more combinations and permutations in gay life 181 already outside moral code, so forget about appearance’s
sake 189 cf. Sickle Cell Anemia—surely not the kind of disease that
would strike anyone he knew 190 can’t name names 190 ZPG 190 stereotypes: hairdressers, interior designers, sadistic
concentration camp managers 191 [gay community] compare / contrast marriage, family 192 family of sorts 193 sum of hundreds of different factors, all interrelated;
nothing random 194 parents may as well give up 197 good-natured discussion [between gay and straight] 202 We could speak the same language 203 the real world 205 Sophistication Gap 210 Af Am gay but class
[father doctor, suburban high school] 211 straight blacks and gay whites have much in common 212 color / sexuality 212 can hardly argue that blackness is immoral 214 inattention to sex = appealing 221 most gays call each other by their formal first names [cf.
Blacks?] 224 family of sorts 225 financial independence, potential 232 I still felt an unhealthy measure of superiority 233 cf.
Unhappily married straights (cf.
Bastard out of Carolina) 238 group being broken up geographically 244 silent minority 247 1993 (post-AIDS)
I’m fine—a lot of my friends are not.