LITR 5535 American Romanticism Monday 2 May: Claude McKay, N 2082-2086. Zora Neal Hurston, N 2096-2109. Jean Toomer, N 2120-2126. Langston Hughes N 2225-2232. Countee Cullen, N 2245-2249. F. Scott Fitzgerald, N 2126-2143 (“Winter Dreams”).
Monday 27 November: Claude McKay, N 2082-2086. Zora Neal Hurston, N 2096-2109. Jean Toomer, N 2120-2126. Langston Hughes N 2225-2232. Countee Cullen, N 2245-2249; F. Scott Fitzgerald, N 2126-2143 (“Winter Dreams”). selection reader / discussion leader: Brouke M. Rose-Carpenter poetry: Gwendolyn Brooks, "kitchenette building," N 2698 poetry reader / discussion leader: Crystal Reppert questions assigned last week: McKay, Hurston, Toomer, Hughes, Cullen are all associated with the "Harlem Renaissance," the great movement in African American literature in the 1910s-20s "Romanticism" is a European-American inheritance. How well does it fit an African American movement? How vary light-dark values of European gothic? (That is, European gothic traditionally associates white or light with good and black or dark with evil. It's obvious that this is a loaded equation for an African American writer, so how do authors of the Harlem Renaissance work with such forms?) Beware "primitivism"--the glorying of the exotic, akin to slumming
F. Scott
Fitzgerald associated with "Jazz Age," which connects a little with
Harlem Renaissance through jazz institutions like the Cotton Club and jazz
masters like Duke Ellington and others. Fitzgerald—last blossoms of Euro-Am Romanticism? How has Realism changed Romanticism? To what areas is Romanticism limited?
Monday 4 December: Final exam. Students may take final exam in-class or by email. Devon's baby + Email from last Tuesday, 21 Nov.
Well, I wasn't in class for the BIG reason this time! I had Mr. Alexander
last Wednesday @ 3:22 PM... [i. e., 15 Nov.] . . . He was 9lbs. 11 ounces
and 21 1/2 in. long. Pretty crazy. I meant to e-mail sooner, but just
couldn't seem to force myself to open the computer! . . . .
Bonnie Napoli Hello, Bonnie, I hope you've been OK or coping. Of course I
remember the tragic loss that hit you a month ago . . . . I told the class
briefly and carefully about your situation based on what you told me over the
phone when the crisis had just occurred and you yourself were unclear exactly
what had happened. Otherwise we've just wondered if you'd reappear, but with
such a big class we've had plenty to do, so no problem beyond wanting to know
what to think. You're always welcome back to a classroom of mine-- Hi Dr. White,
review research projects will be read and returned before final exam date (next Monday, 4 Dec.)--probably by Thursday or Friday Welcome to continue to correspond or confer about project or its future development students may ask for any webpage contributions to be removed after final grade reports are sent out. students may also substitute revised versions of submissions.
Harlem Renaissance Today: Harlem Renaissance-- In course on "American Romanticism," inclusion of Harlem Renaissance stretches concepts African American writers work closely with but vary European categories of order and aesthetics
Typically Harlem Renaissance would not be studied as Romantic phenomenon but within several other traditions or lines of study: African American or Minority Literature Modernism (1st half of 20th century) Interdisciplinary or multi-media movement: not just literature but music (jazz), theater, and visual art, not to mention study of cultural movement involving migration of many rural or southern blacks to northern urban centers. (As a result of this last aspect, much Harlem Renaissance material is finding a home on the web--literature + visuals + sound.)
backgrounds "Harlem Renaissance" . . . first, the period: generally the 1910s-20s How it starts or develops: Large numbers of rural and southern African Americans move to northern cities in early 20th century, partly to escape segregation, partly for economic opportunity created by World War 1 (1914-18). How it ends: Great Depression in 1929 wrecked patronage system and "fat of the land" on which a movement like the Harlem Renaissance survived, writers dispersed. (As with American Renaissance, though, most of the chief writers survived this period and kept writing, but less as a movement.) Other terms or names for Harlem Renaissance: "The New Negro Renaissance"--this term was used frequently during the time of the Harlem Renaissance. (p. 2096 Alain Locke, The New Negro, 1925) "The African American Renaissance" Advantages of other names: Renaissance not limited to Harlem; authentic widespread historical usage. Disadvantages of other names: "Negro" seems always to be an awkward English word, and nearly everyone avoids it except in a historical sense, with "air quotes" around it. --African American Renaissance is more inclusive but also drier and duller. . People remember "Harlem Renaissance" because it sounds like something real, has specificity and flavor, whereas "African American Renaissance" sounds like a scholarly construct. (Cf. "Regionalism" and "Local Color.") ***** Questions: "Romanticism" is a European-American inheritance. How well does it fit an African American movement? How vary light-dark values of European gothic?
compare exercise to Romanticism and American Indians 1. European-Americans tend to romanticize the American Indian either positively or negatively 2. It is difficult to establish how much the American Indian really fits the categories of Romanticism, or how much it's simply a category that white writers make fit, and Indian writers occasionally exploit. Insofar as Indians fit Romantic stereotypes, they're probably not being Indian at all but only white projections. Moments of Indian identity tend to be surprising, frustrating, or elusive to white expectations. ************** Compared to Native American literature and culture, African American literature has developed in a closer (but not necessarily friendlier) relationship with European American literature and culture, so the interfaces between these two are more frequent and deep. Zora Neal Hurston, N
2096-2109. 2100 cf. Emerson Whitman: cosmic Zora: no separate feeling about being an American citizen and colored; merely a fragment of the great soul "The Gilded Six-Bits” 2100 yard raked 2102 drink Jordan dry 2103 Ah’m satisfied . . . . 2103 I ain’t never been nowhere 2103 his pretty womens—Ah want ‘im to see mine 2104 all, everything was right [otherwise story hard to reduce to Romanticism] Some points where study of Romanticism intersects study of African American literature. One can't be reduced to the terms of the other, but putting them into dialogue helps them inform each other, see each other differently. How vary light-dark values of European gothic? (That is, European gothic traditionally associates white or light with good and black or dark with evil. It's obvious that this is a loaded equation for an African American writer, so how do authors of the American Renaissance work with such forms?) Beware "primitivism"--the glorying of the exotic, akin to slumming Can instead use patterns and features of Romanticism / gothic / light and dark as base against which to differ or vary 2099 most colored when thrown against a sharp white background 2099 among thousand white persons, I am a dark rock surged upon 2099 so pale with his whiteness and I am so colored
One of my favorite poets since high school. He himself was a high school teacher for a while, and James Baldwin was one of his students! Like Baldwin, Hughes, and others, part of a heavily closeted tradition of African American writers who are gay / homosexual Early intrigue for me: Cullen wanted to be known as "the black Keats" What's this mean? John Keats, 1795-1821, exemplification of British Romantic poet, gift of pure aching lyricism in "Ode to a Nightingale," "The Eve of St. Agnes," "Ode to Autumn," etc. For Cullen, this identification meant that, while he was an African American poet, his models were from European Romanticism. Contrast with a poet like Hughes, who used blues, jazz, gospel and other African American models--+ Whitman. But in America, race has never yet been completely forgotten, so "Black Keats"
Exercise: 2 poems by Cullen that are both Romantic, but one emphasizes the "Keats" side of the equation, while the other emphasizes the "black" aspect.
First poem: "For a Poet"--How is it Romantic? Is there any element of the poem that reaches beyond Romantic themes to an expression of African American identity?
I have wrapped my dreams in a silken cloth,
Second poem: "From the Dark Tower" How do Romanticism and African American identity meet? What's Romantic, and what's African American? How vary light-dark values of European gothic?
We shall not always plant while others reap
Conclusion: not using Romanticism merely as an inclusive device that turns everything into itself but as a subject that can register difference "Have to know the rules to break the rules"
Remaining business 1. review projects 2. preview final exam 3. evaluations
2. preview final exam final exam scheduled for next Monday, 4 December 2006 in-class 4-7 email--submit by 8pm or notify why not
No absolute need for email students to wait until next Monday unless convenient.
Final exam now posted on course webpage:
You may use your own time between now and next Monday as most convenient. Limits: Spend only 3 hours writing. (Welcome to plan, outline, draft, arrange notes, review texts in preparation--no way to control!) Keep a log of when you start and stop. Email completed exam to whitec@uhcl.edu Acknowledgement within 24 hours Exams & final grade reports returned by late next week Sample exams posted by selection--if yours not selected, not a negative judgment--Only I've collected so many by now that I can save labor for those that are doing something that hasn't been done before.
review of class / seminar LITR 5535 American Romanticism first grad course I ever taught, when I arrived here in 1992 lucky subject--delicious texts--instructor only has to stay out of students' way big subject: many ways to organize readings > wide survey--lacks depth of more specialized courses, but each student will find some author or text to connect to unifying concept of Romanticism: maintains traditional category of literary criticism + stretches familiar category to incorporate recent developments in literary studies esp. race but also gender and class, however briefly
Why didn't I explain the course approach before? always too much to say--limit explanations and dive into texts + now you're experienced enough to comprehend what we've been up to
As far as what I've learned, I've mentioned that the size of the class created some complications in methods, but each of you has been welcome and has cooperated one response: reduce graduate seminar enrollment caps from 25 to 20 On plus side, perhaps owing to size of class, not sure I've ever had this talented a class, plus increasing diversity of student backgrounds sometimes embarrassed at limits of my ability to respond, but take in stride That sublime mix of pleasure and challenge that draws all of us back to literary studies
F. Scott Fitzgerald, N
F. Scott
Fitzgerald associated with "Jazz Age," which connects a little with
Harlem Renaissance through jazz institutions like the Cotton Club and jazz
masters like Duke Ellington and others. Fitzgerald—last blossoms of Euro-Am Romanticism?
How has Realism changed Romanticism? 2128 [cf. slave attributes; ethnicity > class] 2128 Dexter x aren't very many people 2134 increased her value in his eyes 2139 put her behind him, as he would have crossed a bad account from his books
To what areas is Romanticism limited?
2127 the fairways of his imagination (mind + landscape, but no longer the forest or sea . . . ) 2128 shining through her thin frame in a short of glow 2130 wanted . . . the glittering things themselves . . . without knowing why he wanted 2131 a fish jumping and a star shining 2131-2 songs as culture referent 2132 ecstasy 2132 radiating a brightness and a glamour he might never know again 2132 pink rompers 2132 Watching her cf branch waving or sea-gull flying (cf. Poe 707) 2135 Her face seemed to open like a flower 2135 committed himself to the following of a grail 2135 Whatever the beautiful Judy Jones desired, she went after 2136 entertained only by the gratification of her desires 2137 No disillusion at to the world in which she had grown up could cure his illusion as to her desirability 2137 ecstatic happiness and intolerable agony of spirit 2138 [catalog] the thing was deep in him 2138 Judy a slender enamelled doll 2138 seemed to blossom 2139 he was filled . . . 2143 Long ago there was something in me . . . That thing will come back no more
Claude McKay, N
2082-2086. 2082 Jamaican, West Indians and Africans 2083 dialect poetry 2083 strict sonnet form 2083 compelling statements, also good poetry by traditional standards Zora Neal Hurston, N
2096-2109. 2096 initiation into American racism (cf. FD, Harriet Jacobs); early security > core of self-confidence 2096 Alain Locke, The New Negro, 1925 2097 anthropology, storyteller, informal performing artist, oral narrative 2097 well-off white people were the sponsors of, and often the chief audience for, their work 2097 not entirely popular with male intellectual leaders of Harlem community x-ideologies 2097 most important work mid 1930s when little interest in it 2097 no audience “How it feels to be Colored Me” 2098 born first-nighter 2098 white people liked to hear me “speak pieces,” sing, dance 2098 now a little colored girl 2098 not tragically colored, sobbing school of Negrohood 2098 slavery 60 years in past, operation successful 2099 slavery the price I paid for civilization 2099 most colored when thrown against a sharp white background 2099 among thousand white persons, I am a dark rock surged upon 2099 contrast 2099 primitive fury, jungle, living in the jungle way 2099 veneer of civilization 2099 so pale with his whiteness and I am so colored 2100 cf. Emerson Whitman: cosmic Zora: no separate feeling about being an American citizen and colored; merely a fragment of the great soul Jean Toomer, N
2120-2126. 2120 Toomer reconciled the two 2122 Fern as romantic heroine? Cf. Judy Jones 2123 I too had my dreams 2124 held me. Held God. 2124 Dusk hid her . . . . 2124 north-south Langston Hughes N
2225-2232. 2225 Literary patterns x oral and improvisatory traditions 2226 working class solidarity that nullified racial boundaries 2227 cf. Whtiman long line 2228 darker brother 2229 sweet as earth / Dusk dark bodies 2230 black man, dark of moon, white womanhood Countee Cullen, N
2245-2249 2245 traditional forms x black dialects or militant manifestos