| LITR 5535: American
Monday 28 August: Columbus, N 25-29; Selections from Genesis (handout); John Smith, N 42-53. Mary Rowlandson, N 135-152. Thomas Jefferson, N 334-342. selection reader / discussion leader: Devon Kitch Monday 11 September: Jonathan Edwards, N 182-194, 207-219; Susanna Rowson, Charlotte: A Tale of Truth (handout); Washington Irving, N 446-460 ("Rip Van Winkle"), "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (handout). selection reader / discussion leader: Andrew Coleman (Edwards) Monday 18 September: James Fenimore Cooper, N 460-469. Cooper, The Last of the Mohicans, through ch. 11 (through p. 110 Penguin edition); Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain), N 1432-1440 (“Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offences”); handout: D. H. Lawrence on Cooper's Leatherstocking novels. selection reader / discussion leader: Chris Wissel Monday 25 September: “The Iroquois Creation Story,” N 17-21; “The Cherokee Memorials,” N 571-581; William Apess, N 476-482. Complete The Last of the Mohicans. selection reader / discussion leader: Gordon Lewis (“Iroquois Creation Story”) Monday 9 October: Nathaniel Hawthorne, N 579-584, 610-635 (“Young Goodman Brown,” “May-Pole of Merry Mount,” & “Minister’s Black Veil”) selection reader / discussion leader: Angela Douglas Monday 16 October: Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, N 812-834. Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life . . . , N 939-973. selection reader / discussion leader: Tish Wallace Monday 23 October: Abraham Lincoln, N 757-760. Harriet Beecher Stowe, selections from Uncle Tom’s Cabin, N 771-806. Thoreau, N 837-853 (“Resistance to Civil Government”). selection reader / discussion leader: Leigh Ann Moore Monday 30 October: Ralph Waldo Emerson, N 482-497, 514-519, 527-533, 539-544 (introduction & opening sections of Nature, The American Scholar, Divinity School Address, & Self-Reliance). (Each student should try to finish at least one of these essays.) Margaret Fuller, N 760-771. selection reader / discussion leader: Bill Wolfe Monday 6 November: Walt Whitman, N 985-989, 1061-1066 (“Crossing Brooklyn Ferry”), 1074-1080 (“When Lilacs . . . “); “There Was a Child Went Forth“ (handout). Carl Sandburg, N 1916-1919. Allen Ginsberg, N 2730-2740. Thomas Wolfe, “The Lost Boy” (handout). selection reader / discussion leader: Kristen Bird Monday 13 November: Henry James, N 1498-1539 (Daisy Miller: A Study) selection reader / discussion leader: Sharon Lockett Monday 27 November: Claude McKay, N 2082-2086. Zora Neal Hurston, N 2096-2109. Jean Toomer, N 2120-2126. Langston Hughes N 2225-2232. Countee Cullen, N 2245-2249; F. Scott Fitzgerald, N 2126-2143 (“Winter Dreams”). selection reader / discussion leader: Brouke M. Rose-Carpenter