LITR 5535: American Romanticism

Student Presentation on Reading Selections 2005


Monday 18 April: Henry James, N 1498-1539 (Daisy Miller: A Study)

selection reader / discussion leader: Matt Mayo 

Henry James "Daisy Miller: A Study"


1.) Norton, p. 1499, second paragraph.


2.) Norton, pp. 1536-37.


Traces of Romanticism


1.)    The Gothic (recalling Poe, Hawthorne)


2.)    Morality Tale (recalling "Charlotte Temple")


3.)    The Romantic crossing of borders: Daisy's Italian love interest, Mr. Giovanelli, Winterbourne's attraction to Daisy, 'society's' rejection of Daisy.


New Elements, Looking Forward


1.)    Americans returning to Europe.


2.)    Globalization and the power of the global dollar.


3.)    Culture and Class: Many paths of discussion.


4.)    Feminism: What are the Millers doing in Europe without a respectable male chaperone?


Daisy exhibits characteristics of the modern female.



 Questions for discussion


1.)    In what ways does the prevalent Gothic imagery affect this tale?


2.)  Crossing class (and ethnic) boundaries for romance is a prevalent Romantic theme in this piece. What does this say about the progress of American society up to the late 19th century? How does the character's use of language indicate class?


3.) Why is Daisy so severely punished for simply being an independent young girl? This piece could be analyzed thoroughly through a feminist/Romantic perspective, however it is questionable which side of the fence James stands on.  Again what does this say about the progress of American society?