Literature of the Future syllabus detail

Methods for transmitting your passages electronically:

All materials for the course webpage should be sent directly to the instructor at Try both of the following:

  • Attach appropriate word processing file(s) to an email for (The only word processing program my computer appears unable to translate is Microsoft Works, though Microsoft Word is fine, as are most others. If in doubt, save your word processing file in a “text only” or “Rich Text Format” and then attach it.)

  • Copy the contents of your word processing file, then paste them into an email message to me at

  • If you have trouble reaching me by email, save your word processing file to a flash drive and work out transmission.

  • I may perform light editing to improve readability, but most student samples are posted as received. Revised submissions are always welcome for later posting.

Student computer access: Every enrolled student at UHCL is assigned an email account on the university server. To receive your account name and password, go to any computer lab at UHCL to inquire, or phone the Help Desk at 281 283 2828.

Reassurances: You are not graded on your expertise in electronic media but on your intelligence in reading, discussing, and writing about literature. I’ve tried similar email exercises for several semesters; a few students encounter a few problems, but if we don’t give up, these problems work out. Your course grade will not suffer for mistakes with email and related issues as long as I see you making a fair effort.