LITR 4632: Literature of the Future

Student Future-Visions Presentation 2009

Samantha Hand

June 18, 2009

 What happens next?




 I Am Legend


directed by Francis Lawrence

Objective 1    

To identify, describe, and criticize standard narratives or stories humans tell about the future:

a.     Apocalyptic


Objective 2

To identify, describe, and criticize typical visions or scenarios of the future. 

b.     low tech; actual reality—rough, messy, real, hungry for power. 


  1. dystopiadysfunctional world

Brief Summary

Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms other humans into nocturnal monsters, a surviving scientist living in New York, searches for a cure.


Discussion Questions


How does romance play in the story?


Are their any Evolution undertones? Where?


Would you consider the scientist a messiah/ savior?