LITR 4632: Literature of the Future

Student Presentation, 2001

Maria Wilde

July 3, 2001


FILM: The Postman directed by Kevin Costner.

OBJECTIVES: 1A-Narratives about the future (Apocalyptic)

2C- utopia/dystopia/ecotopia

SUMMARY: An action drama movie set in 2013 where there has been a universal war that has devastated and depopulated the U.S. and ended it’s government. Gordan Krantz (Kevin Costner) plays the role of the Postman. In order for him to survive, he pretends he is a Postal Service representative and makes them believe that the government is being restored. This gives people hope for the future. There is only one draw back and that is Bethlehem (Will Patton) who has an army and has control over the small towns. The Postman has a group of young kids who join the Postal Service and believe in the cause even if it means death. Rather than risk those that followed him, the Postman challenges Bethlehem for leadership. He displays the band he was given while a prisoner of the Holnists; therefore this gives him the right to challenge Bethlehem. Strength and courage carry him through as he defeats Bethlehem and the restored United States of America becomes a reality.

SOURCES: The Postman produced by Jim Wilson, Steve Tisch, and Kevin Costner.


The Postman novel by David Brin. Great site on the film and

also on the novel by David Brin. Apocalyptic news. Site for apocalyptic movies.



  1. If we were in a situation like The Postman how hard and how good is it to get back even fragments like the postal service? (government)
  2. Do you think that you would have to worry about marauders, ranging from individuals to irregular armies?
  3. What would be the first thing you would do if this type of disaster would happen?


Answer to my first question was made by Lacy, she said that even though we complain about the gout we need stability or some kind of order. We need balance for example the sheriff or local law enforcement. Postal Service gives you hope to reach family members.

Pam answer to question number three was that the first thing she would do in the case of a disaster if to grab her children and to try to keep everyone together.

Val mentioned that there is a better chance of survival without chaos.

Everyone said yes to question two- We would have to worry about marauders and irregular armies.

Lacy mentioned that she would rather intimidate rather than be intimidated. She said people need to belong to a gang or group to feel part of a group.

Val mentioned that story of The Postman is fascinating.

Lacy mentions that movie had to have a happy ending.