LITR 4632: Literature of the Future Student Presentation, 2001 Safe Sex-- A Reality Film: Demolition ManText: "Burning Chrome," by William Gibson Objective: To identify and discuss the effects virtual reality may have on human relations. Film Summary: " Sgt. John Spartan doesn't fight crime. He rips into
it like a junk yard dog. He's the Demolition Man. And he's the future's only
hope. Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes go at it amid a dazzling cyber-future
of 2032 Sources: Demolition Man, Produced by Joel Silver, Michael Levey and Howard Kazanjian. "Burning Chrome" by William Gibson Discussion Questions: 2. Would virtual reality sex be the ultimate safe sex? How could it be regulated? Would it change people's attitudes toward sex since it could eradicate all STD's? 3. If it is not legalized would there be places like The House Of Blue
Lights? Could a cyberoid race be created to be virtual sex workers?