LITR 4632: Literature of the Future Student Presentation, 2001 Presenter: Lisa Lovett Recorder: Michelle Glenn A New Heaven and a New Earth Text Presented: Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand! Objective: 2c - To identify, describe, and criticize utopia. 6 - How does one end a story about the future? Summary: This book about the Bible's book of Revelation depicts a happy climax of God’s purpose and eagerly looks forward to Armageddon and the benefits thereafter. The original plan, that of life in Paradise conditions on Earth with a heavenly source of government, will be realized soon. After the destruction of wicked mankind, there will be a 1000-year period of time. During that time Jesus will be in charge of bringing the surviving humans and the resurrected ones back to the original state of perfection enjoyed by Adam and Eve. He will be assisted by the humans chosen from the earth, the anointed ones, or little flock, that will experience a resurrection to Heaven. Any humans on the earth that refuse to live according to God’s righteous rule will be destroyed in death, the second death. The other flock, the great crowd, will then enjoy life forever under God’s heavenly government. That heavenly government will bring the full benefits of Jesus’ ransom sacrifice. Everyone will have eternal life in perfect health and youthful vitality. Pain, sickness and death will have been done away with. Everyone will have their own land and home, plenty of the highest quality of produce comparable to that found in the Promised Land of Moses and the Israelites. The animals will no longer fear humans but will live in peace, the lion lying with the lamb. Loved ones that had died earlier will be back with their families and friends. Work will be enjoyable and fruitful, each benefiting from his own labor. There will be eternity to use their brains to the fullest extent, continually learning about every detail of the world around them and about things yet unknown to man. Sources: Revelation: Its Grand Climax at Hand! Publisher: Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. International Bible Students Association, Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A. CD - Watchtower Library 1999, English. Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. This CD contains not only the entire text of the book being presented, but contains numerous other complete texts, research texts and study projects and guides. It is available through local congregations of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Internet - www.watchtower.orgWatchtower Bible and Tract Society. This is a very informative site concerning just about everything you could ever want to know about the organization. It gives an overview of the beliefs and activities. It offers information in 19 other languages whether you are from the most remote location in Africa to one of the many nations of Europe or anywhere on the planet! These sources are available to anyone desiring to own one. If desired, a small contribution may be made to cover the cost of production and shipping. Question: Many people believe in an everlasting burning hell and a heaven, and don’t consider an earth at all for the future. Why might people choose to believe that over the future described in this presentation?
Presentation Summary: I invited the class to sit back and listen to a scenario I read to them. Since I did not present a video, I wanted them to visualize a scene in their minds. I read to them a scenario of a person being in the beginning of the 1000-year reign of Christ. The story pointed out the sensations the person was experiencing as a result of the benefits of Christ’s sacrifice to buy mankind back from sin. The man was gradually returning to perfection with improved eyesight and other senses. After the story, I read over parts of the text of the book being presented to reinforce what the class had just imagined. Then I asked the question mentioned above. Class discussion: Sabrina noted that the idea of a hellfire and a heaven has been in the media more, and people have been exposed to it more. Terri pointed out that in the Christian community you are told the Earth is behind you after you die. Dr. White added that Rapture images are about leaving the Earth behind; Utopia as a restoration of earlier time (ie: person in presentation had lost family and gained them back) is not part of the Rapture image. This is a very sheep-like representation, slack in technology, etc. The book’s attitude toward government is very stand-offish. Glenn asked if Jehovah’s Witnesses get involved in the Green party at all and what are their political influences. I told him that they do not get directly involved in movements but encourage everyone to respect the laws and respect the planet. You’ll not find Witnesses throwing trash out the car window. If everyone would respect the land, there would not be a need for the government programs. Jay asked couldn’t the Christian utopias be criticized if you weren’t a believer. From a non-believer’s point of view this scenario of paradise would be a dystopia and not a utopia. Dr. White pointed out that in terms of mythic patterns, lots of ceremonies restore the earlier times (the Garden of Eden imagery) all of us yearn for. We all want to return to the time when we were taken care of.