Mike Schmitt Global Warming Film discussed : Waterworld, directed by Kevin Costner, 1995Arc or State of future:
Dimension of future:
Relevant coarse objectives:
Films, Books, and Organizations: Tank Girl , Parable of the Sower, Documentaries by Carl Sagan and Jacques Cousteau, Sierra ClubView film clip:
Information on Global Warming:
Sources: Http://www.artbell.com -archived radio shows with guests talking about global extinction Http://www.weathereye.wgme-tv.com/expert/warming/explination.html- good information on definition of global warming Http://www.weathereye.wgme-tv.com/expert/warming/believe.html- gave information from both sides on this issue Http://www.weathereye.wgme-tv.com/expert/warming/skeptic.html- same as above Http://www.sierra club.org/news/global-warming--more information on definition |