Timi Radicioni SPOILER Title SPOILER directed by Cameron Van Daacke, 1998 Cast: Gary Daniels, Meg Foster, Bryan Genesse and Arye Gross Arc or State of the Future-obj. 1 Apocalyptic-linear jump Evolutionary-broken spiral Alternative-forking path branching off Dimension of the Future-obj. 4 & 7 Deep future Post millennial Alternative future Course Objectives Human outcomes-Could you survive this type of incarceration? The Icebox? Cultural outcomes-Is this the kind of prison system we will have for our criminals? Definitions Spoiler-prison term used for a prisoner who is on the loose or trying to escape. Icebox-super prison fortress-instrument used to freeze a human body overtime. Deep shadow box-a glacier that freezes on moisture; if you open your eyes or breath while running through this chamber, your body will freeze instantly, explode in to tiny pieces and disappear. Synopsis This movie depicts a man who is wrongfully accused and sentenced to prison. Roger Mason (Spoiler) is trying to unite with his daughter back on Earth. He is sentenced to a year in prison but turns into 80 years because he tries to escape. Both times they catch him and send him to the Icebox for several years after beating him. When he is frozen in time, his daughter is getting older and he stays the same age. On his second attempt to escape this prison fortress, Spoiler reunites with his daughter. At this time she is 89 and on her deathbed. Realizing it is her father after all these years, she and him discuss how they will meet again in the life after death. View the video Scene when Spoiler (Mason) is making his second attempt to escape from the super prison fortress he has been sent to. He discovers the "deep shadow box" that is capable of destroying his final attempt at freedom. Spoiler and his two buddies are forced to the decision of running through the "deep shadows" for survival from the prison guards who are after them. Questions What do the "deep shadow boxes" symbolize in your mind? Do you feel in the future that the deep shadow boxes could be used as an execution chamber for prisoners who are on death row? Do you find this punishment to be humane? Sources Spoiler. Dir. Cameron Van Daacke. Cast. Gary Daniels, Meg Foster, Bryan Genesse, Arye Gross. Maverick Entertainment, 1998. http://www.mrqe.com/lookup? http://www.moviereviews.com http://www.liberty.demon.co.uk/news_sum,html ************************************************************************************ |