Melissa Pena Dreams in Total Recall Film to discuss: Total Recall. Directed by Paul Verhoeven. Miramax Pictures 1990. Arc or state of the future: apocalyptic-linear jump evolutionary-broken spiral alternative-forked path (staying in past or future) Dimension of the future: deep future 2075 Course objectives: The ends of both the universe and individual will be very different from their beginnings, that time does not repeat itself but moves in irreversible fashion toward salvation. The present is a product of past actions and attitudes as surely as the future will be a product of our present actions and attitudes. Time is neither aimless nor endless but moves toward a predetermined and transcendent end. Objective 2 is shown from the dream state as it being "open ended." Dreams are being written with no control. Events that enshrine in memory give structure and definition to the person we think of as our ‘self.’ Memories are the end product of all you’ve ever thought and done, filtered through your perceptions and opinions. Objective 4 and 7 are also shown from the different alternatives dreams and different human identities that can be chosen in the movie. View the video: The scene that will be shown is Cohagen has an entire sector of people on Mars hostage with the air supply diminishing until he receives Hauser (Schwarzenegger). Hauser is brought in so one of Cohagen’s psychic mutants can retrieve important information about the pyramids that is implanted in his Hauser’s mind. It is very crucial to Cohagen that nobody else get this information or he will be destroyed. Questions: If we accept that memory spills over into dreams and imagination, then how do we know what’s real and what’s not or can we ever know? Do you think we can learn more about ourselves from our dreams? Sources: http://users.glo.be/eddybeckers/Arnold Schwarzenegger/TotalRecall/TR-intro http://www.exploraorium.edu/memory/messingwithyourmind.2html Zamora, Lois P. The Apocalypse Vision in America. Bowling Green University Popular Press, Ohio. 1982.