Lisa McBride Unmistakable Identification WHAT IS DNA? DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is the genetic blueprint that will determine a person's biological characteristics. DNA is located in every nucleated cell of the human body. Upon conception, a child will inherit one half of its DNA from its mother and one half from its father. The unique combination of DNA, when analyzed will match that of the biological parents. DNA is used to establish paternity as well as evidence in court. CURRENT USES FOR DNA
Relevant Course Objectives Objective 1 - Gattaca is a believable evolutionary world set in the near future where your genetic code is not only identification but your resume. Objective 2 - The main character is creating his own future. Objective 4 -- The technology is a projection of our very near future. Objective 5 - Given the recent scientific breakthroughs in DNA research and cloning, the questions raised by Gattaca are timely, and the possibilities proposed are not at all inconceivable. Film to Discuss - GATTACA Directed by Andrew Niccol In the clip we will view the main character, played by Ethan Hawke, explains his conception and compares it to his younger brother.
Movie Explanation The story examines life in a society where the human genetic code has been cracked down to the last DNA molecule. Parents choose their child's every feature and talent in vitro and the wealthier, more privileged parents control more of their children's destiny. One young man born without the advantage of such technology "purchases" the genetic identity of a crippled athlete who is a perfect biological match for his dream job. The people are subjected to constant DNA identification through sampling of blood, urine and other body matters. Sources Gattaca Online - www. gattaca.com Movie explanation by Jeannette Roth Paradox Winter 1998 - http://www.dmsfs.desoines.ia.us/paradox/winter98issue.html Identigene - www.identigene.comDiscussion Questions