

Film to discuss:

- Star Trek Generations. Rick Berman. Paramount, 1994.

Trajectory of the future:

    • Alternative: Another kind of "reality" is created for people to participate in at their leisure.

Dimension of the future:

    • Deep future

Related course objectives:

    • Objective 5: "To interpret literature/movies of the future as reflections of the present in which it is written." For example: computer role playing games and virtual reality (in source #3)

Explanation of "holodeck":

    • Also called "Holographic Environment Simulator" – It "can duplicate with startling reality any environment in the computer’s memory. These simulations are remarkably useful for crew training, recreation, and exercise." (from source #2)
    • "The holodecks have two main subsystems: holographic imagery and matter conversion. The first supplies the realistic look of the holodeck, the last provides the realistic feel. Holomatter (matter created by the holodeck) cannot be removed from the holodeck because it does not truly exist." (from source # 1)

Explanation of clip:

    • The crew members are in the holodeck. They are on an old ship in the ocean dressed in naval uniforms that look like they date from 17th to 19th century. However, an emergency forces them to leave their adventure on the sea.

Questions for discussion:

    • Do you think the "holodeck" is pure fantasy: the invention of creative minds?
    • OR do you think that one day the "holodeck" could be a reality?
    • What would be the positive or negative possibilities of such technology?


    • 1) http://library.advanced.org/10889/holo.html. This site gives a good basic understanding of the holodeck and how it works on Star Trek.
    • 2) http://voyager.paramount.com/voyager/Old Voyager/Voyager Tech07Txt.html. At this site there is one paragraph that is helpful; it lists what the holodeck is used for.
    • 3) http://www.anotheruniverse.com/tv/features/hamlet.html. This is an interview of the author of a book titled Hamlet on the Holodeck: The Future of Narrative in Cyberspace by Dr. Janet Murray.
    • Star Trek Generations. Rick Berman. Paramount, 1994.
    • Zeitzer, David. "Virtual Reality." Microsoft Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. 1993-1995 Microsoft Corporation. Funk & Wagnalls Corporation. Good general information on virtual reality.
    • I am indebted to my friend David Benefield who gave me the idea of the holodeck and its relation to virtual reality. I had never heard of it before.