Mary Anderson

The Apocalyptic Future—Is it Really the End of the World?

Intro: What does it truly mean when someone says that the time is near, or that it is the end of the world?

Quote: "The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything, saved our modes of thinking and thus we drift toward unparalleled catastrophe."

-Albert Einstein

Works Cited/Sources Used:

"Apocalyptic Dreaming: Visions of the apocalypse, dreams of the end of the world." (1999): 1 p. Online. Internet. 2 June. 1999.

"Howard Finster: Man of Visions—Visions of Heaven and Hell."

(1980): 4 pp. Online. Internet. 2 June. 1999.

Piuma, Chris [Steve]. "R.E.M. Song Meanings."

(1998): 7 pp. Online. Internet. 2 June. 1999.

Piuma, Chris [Steve]. "R.E.M. Lyric Annotations FAQ: Document." (1998): 11 pp. Online. Internet. 2 June.1999.

R.E.M.. "It’s the End of the World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)." Music CD. California: International Record Syndicate, 1987.

"The Complete R.E.M. Lyrics Archive: It’s the End of the World..."

(1987): 3 pp. Online. Internet. 2 June. 1999.


Objective 1. To identify, describe, and criticize narratives or stories (lyrics) humans tell about the future.

Goal: The audience will be able to successfully use the objectives to conclude that the music selection entitled, It’s the End of the World As We Know It, makes apocalyptic trajectories of the future.

Objective 4. To distinguish depths or dimensions of future time: near and deep future; premillenial and postmillenial; alternative futures or histories.

Goal: The audience will be able to successfully distinguish that the music selection relates the depths or dimensions of future time as the near and deep future.

Music Plays: 4:07 (Follow along with lyrics)

Examination of Lyrics: Certain words in the song symbolize characteristics of the apocalypse ("R.E.M. Lyric" 5-7). The following are several examples, but do not include all examples:

-"earthquake"- natural disaster (things beyond our control; forces from a higher being)

-"birds and snakes"-something pleasant something horrific (in the beginning there was beauty and then there was sin)

-"aeroplane"- technology in transportation (gives insight of control by machines)

-"Lenny Bruce" -controversial American comedian who was notorious for his scatological language, fearless tackling of taboo subjects; such as race relations and liberal hypocrisy, religion, and sexuality" -gives insight to the vulgarities in the world

-"with the furies breathing down your neck"-mythological figures which gives insight to the control of a higher being

-"listen to your heart bleed"-referring to one who believes in liberal social programs

-"with the rapture"-the salvation of the faithful at the end of the world

-"You vitriolic"-meaning sharply critical (Do not judge...)

-"continental drift"-slow moving of the Earth’s crust

Question: Why would Michael Stipe write about this?

Answer: Possibly to show certain signs of what is going on in the world and we know it, but refuse to believe it.

History of Michael Stipe: Favorite artist is Howard Finster whose paintings entitled, "Vision of Heaven and Hell" and "And the Moon Became his Blood" influenced this song. From 1976, it is an illustration of the Apocalypse on the subject of the Book of Revelations, showing the sun turned black, the moon a deep red, and the landscape dominated by a river and a sea of blood. "Finster is emphatic about hell: he has seen it in a vision, he says, and it is his duty to warn us in the most persuasive manner possible. ("Howard" 2-3)

Conclusion: Do you believe that songs such as these that R.E.M. compose give insight into our future? What other words in "It’s the End of The World As We Know It" might symbolize the apocalypse? Is the Apocalypse scare just a ploy to settle society’s immoralities, or is it really the end of the world?

FYI: Do you want to be heard? Sound off your opinions, thoughts, and visions about the Apocalypse at