LITR 4632: Literature of the Future

Sample Student final exams 200

Copy of 2007 final exam assignment

Sample answers to Essay 1 or part 1: Referring to 4 (or more) texts since the midterm, organize a discussion of 1 or more of objective 2's “scenarios of the future” or some other theme, issue, or thread . . . .

"Virtually or Actually: Keeping it Real"

"Future's Connection with the Past"

"On Alien Contact and Exploration: Our Own Alien Invasion"

"Searching For A Place Called Home"

Excerpt: "Maybe the Amish have it figured out"

Sample answers to Essay 2 or part 2: Conclude the course with an expansive overview or an intensive refocusing of your experience with Literature of the Future. . . .

"The Future is Now"

"What Makes Me Human?"

"Intensive Refocusing of Apocalyptic Narratives: What If It’s Not Our Apocalypse?"

"How our Today affects Tomorrow"

"Looking Beyond and Going Deeper"

Sample answers combining parts 1 & 2 into a single essay

"Fiction for a Dose of Reality"

"Literature Awakening"

"Questions and Answers"

"A Shift in Mindset"

"Science Fiction and the Pursuit of Happiness"

"One Person's Utopia is Another's Dystopia"