Model Assignments

Midterm2 Samples 2017
(midterm2 assignment)

Index to Model Answers to Part 2. Learning Essay 2.

Part 2. Learning about Tragedy 2: Revise, continue, improve, & Extend Essay begun in Midterm1 on learning experience with tragedy, extending to include Sophocles's Family of Oedipus plays. (Revise / improve midterm1 draft & add at least 5-7 paragraphs for 9-10 paragraph total.) 

Authors & titles (scroll down for essays):

Kim Bronson, Tragedy and Comedy: Going Steady

Katie Morin, Tragedy: A Learning Process

Clark Omo, The Tragic and Comedic Experience

Calyssa Rosene, Would You Look at That, Tragedy Can Be Relatable

Faron Samford, Relearning Tragedy