Thursday, 1 June: classical tragedy: Sophocles, Oedipus Rex web-highlight: Sarah Hardwick Monday, 5 June: comedy: Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night's Dream web-highlight
(midterms on comedy, Midsummer ND):
Tanya Stanley Tuesday,
6 June: Renaissance / early modern tragedy: Shakespeare, Hamlet
(midterms, esp. on Hamlet):
Elena Trevino Thursday, 8 June: Modern tragedy: Eugene O'Neill, Desire Under the Elms web-highlight
(midterms, esp. on Desire):
Iris Gilbert Monday, 19 June: tragedy & alternatives: Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun web-highlight:
Carmen Ashby Monday, 26 June: American family tragedy: O'Neill, Long Day's Journey Into Night (complete) web-highlight: Elyse Martinez Tuesday, 27 June: domestic comedy / situation comedy: O'Neill, Ah, Wilderness! web-highlight: Tammy Wilson Thursday, 29 June: tragicomedy; love as laughter or tears: O'Neill, A Moon for the Misbegotten web-highlight
(finals, esp. on Moon): Jaime