LITR 4533:

Discussion-Start 2006

Discussion Starter:  Cana Hauerland

Medea by Euripedes

Objective:         To analyze the character of Medea.


 What qualities drive Medea mad?




Do you think she kills only for these reasons?




Medea by Evelyn De Morgan. Jason and Medea by John William Waterhouse (1907).

Medea                                                            Medea and Jason


How does Medea look in the picture alone verses the one with Jason?





Characters of classic tragedies such as Oedipus usually end up with a greater understanding; do you think Medea ended up with one in the end and if not would you call this a modern tragedy or in between? 





Who are some other women in plays that dominate the male society, also can you think of any real life situations that compare to this play?