LITR 4533:

Genre Presentation 2002

Andrea Perkins 

Historical Fiction


A narrative characterized chiefly by an imaginative reconstruction of historical events and personages.



Beloved, based on the novel by Toni Morrison and directed by Johnathan Demme, 1998. This movie tells the story of a former slave struggling to free herself from its memories.

Representational genre:

            Drama or Dialogue

Narrative genre:

Tragedy (The action is surrounded by an attempt to follow, trace, and absorb consequences.)

Romance (There is a reuniting of a family unit and a community.)

Subject genre:

            Drama, American past, Literature into film, Movie inspired by true events

Identifiable highlights of genre in example:

The story originated from the true account of a fugitive slave named Margaret Garner, who ran away with her four small children in 1856 from a plantation in Kentucky. When her owner arrived in Ohio to take them back, she tried to murder her children and herself. She managed to kill her 2-year old by slashing her throat. Fictional characters and events surround this true account.

Alternative names/related genre:

            Slave narratives/supernatural stories

Additional examples of genre:

            Titanic, directed by James Cameron ( Novel: Titanic Crossing, Williams), TV Series "How the West was Won" 1979.


            What effect does knowing or not knowing that a movie is based on true events have on you?

            What are some ways that this genre can impact American culture and society? 


Question 1

            Kelly: Like in the movie Apollo 13 you know bits and pieces of the story but the fiction makes it more interesting.

            Dr. White: It makes the original story come to life.

            Student 2: Fiction grabs you but can play loosely with what actually happened.

            Student 3: The movie Wind Talkers for example is true. Real life draws you more into watching with a purpose.

Question 2

            Student 2: It can give you a warped sense of facts.

            Student 3: It keeps historical events updated through generations like the Titanic and Romeo and Juliet.

            Dr. White: Standard complaint about the movie JFK is that it tells more of a compelling story than the actual events. The problem with historical fiction is that it is often elaborated beyond the truth.

            Kelly:  Sometimes its difficult to separate historical fiction from farce.

            Dr. White: Historical facts true to form are usually boring. Historical fiction makes the facts more interesting.

            Andrea: I looked up the definition for history, which is the repetition of facts. Historical fiction is more exciting.

            Dr. White: (to Andrea) What effect did knowing Beloved is based on a true story have on you?

            Andrea: It made me re-watch the movie with a different view. It made the past come alive. It made me want to find out more about the real characters.

            Aimee: Historical fiction seems more emotional when based on something that is true, more identifiable.

            Andrea: Can lifetime movies be labeled as historical fiction?

            Student 4: Yes. There are many lifetime shows based on real events.

            Student 3: Sometimes these shows can give the wrong information.

            Dr. White: Filmmakers have to satisfy two groups; the ones who know the facts and the ones who don't.

            Dr. White: These historical movies could be an example of art imitating life.