LITR 4533:

Genre Presentation 2002

Courtney Alexander-Bankston, LITR 4533:  Tragedy, Summer 2002

Animated Musical Comedy as a Genre



  • the act of animating: the state of being animate or animated;
  • a motion picture made by photographing successive positions of inanimate objects (as puppets or mechanical parts)

animated cartoon

a motion picture made from a series of drawings simulating motion by means of slight progressive changes in the drawings


a film or theatrical production typically of a sentimental or humorous nature that consists of musical numbers and dialogue based on a unifying plot


  • a medieval narrative that ends happily; a literary work written in a comic style or treating a comic theme
  • a drama of light and amusing character and typically with a happy ending b : the genre of dramatic literature dealing with the comic or with the serious in a light or satirical manner;
    1. low comedy-comedy employing burlesque, horseplay, or the representation of low life
    2. high comedy-comedy employing subtle characterizations and witty dialogue

Example: Walt Disney’s Aladdin

Representational genre:  Musical=Dialogue+Dialogue or Single Voice in music form

                                                  Comedy=Dialogue or Single Voice+Drama Class Discussion

Narrative genre:  Comedy, Romance, and Tragedy

Subject genre/audience appeal:  Animated productions appeal to the younger audience; musical productions appeal to all ages and the comedy aspect can be enjoyed by all.

Alternative names/related genres: cartoons, live theatre, and humor

Additional examples: Disney’s Mulan, Disney’s Tarzan, Disney’s The Tigger Movie

Questions:   Since most films for children are animated, musical and/or comical, what

                    aspects of the animated musical comedy appeal to “children of all ages”?

               The class agreed with Kelly the sing-song nature of Disney contributes to kids grabbing on to it.  The use of sound and popular actors appeals to us because these are people we know. Janet mentioned these might contain some adult comedy with double meaning but they not offensive to children.  Reani added the characters created are cute and different. Kids like them.  Dr. White commented the songs and music have nice, good lyrics.  These lyrics are remembered. He also noted raw humor presented throughout the movie.  This appeals to different audiences.  Like Hollywood, Disney tries to appeal to draw in different ages.

            The group compared Aladdin to Hamlet.  Like Hamlet, Aladdin’s father was killed.  Also, Aladdin ends up royalty.  The class also discussed  the possibility of Aladdin being a parody. This referencing to the scene when the Genie does African American dances.