Taryn Richmond Science Fiction Definitions:
A Dictionary of Literary Terms. 4th ed. J.A. Cuddon: Blackwell Publishers, 1998.
http://www.encarta.msn.com/find/concise.asp?z=1&pg=2&ti=761563.23 Note: Fanciful stories go as far back as there are records, but the rational consideration of marvelous things that is characteristic of modern science fiction was uncommon in early times. Instead a group of genres, subgenres, or motif bearers offers fragmentary ideas later to be found in science fiction, where they are sometimes combined, sometimes rendered more sophisticated. The classical utopia, the imaginary voyages, the lunar voyage, the Faustian invention story, the catastrophe story, the tale of futurity, and the imaginary war story are examples. The New Encyclopedia of Science Fiction. Ed. James Gunn: Penguin Group: NY 1988. Related Genres: horror movies, fantasy, action, drama Representational Genre: combination: dramatic dialogue + narrator Narrative Genre: tragedy, romance, comedy, satire (any and all) Example: George Lucas, Star Wars (1977) Highlights of Example: futuristic weapons (lightsaber), aliens with humanistic characteristics, life on other planets; they are on a quest Additional Examples of the Genre: books: Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination (1996); Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land. movies: Earth vs. the Flying Saucers (1956); Sphere (1998); The Fifth Element (1997); Mission to Mars (1999) Research Sources: see above Questions: