Index to Sample Student final exam answers 2016
(2016 final exam assignment)

Part 2. Web Highlights

LITR 4340    
American Immigrant Literature
Model Assignments

Elizabeth Tinoco

Model Ideas of American Immigrants and Minorities

Looking back at my previous assignments I have noticed that I have emphasized on essays that discus Latino Immigrants and minorities. I think I have done this of course for the obvious reason, because they are the ones I can relate to the most, but also because as a Latina and a second-generation American. It is interesting to read about what other students about the Hispanic culture, and how Latino immigrants/minorities have chosen to assimilate or not to the dominant culture. With that being said I have took an interest in the research paper “What it means to be Latin-American” by Helen Duarte; Cassandra Rea’s essay, “Evolving Through Time: The American Immigrant”; and Tracie Estrada’s “Determination Will Get Us Through This”.  I feel that these three essays, although different, are similar in the interest of helping me better understand the America’s dominant culture and the view point coming from and immigrants and minorities.

 I really like and connect with Duarte’s essay about the assumptions that all Latin-Americans are from Mexico, because I have experienced first-hand a person getting offended when someone else assumed they were Mexican when they are really Puerto Rican. I feel like this situation could relate to the dominant culture in that the dominant culture is thought of as “white people” when in fact their ethnicity may vary depending on what European nation their ancestors came from. I am sure everyone has experienced another person making assumptions about where they come from but Duarte makes a point when stating, “not grouping members of a certain race into a one-size-fits-all category will be helpful for all types of cultures, not just Hispanics” meaning that we should learn to not make assumptions or stereotype people based on what they look like or how they talk. What Duarte’s essay made me realize is that not only do immigrants and minorities go through stereotyping but also people from the dominant culture, this brings to light that even though people from different cultures go through different struggles we sometimes face the same difficulties. 

Estrada’s essay focuses on the similarities people in America share not matter what country, culture, or background they come from. Which backs up my realization that sometimes not matter who you are or where you come from we sometimes go through the same struggle. Estrada also in her essay gives clear definitions of what the dominant culture is in America, and model minorities’ narratives. She starts off by defining how the dominant culture started and where it came from, also emphasizing the similarities the original American immigrants have with today’s American immigrants. However when explaining model minorities, model minorties being immigrants who choose to fully assimilate to the dominant culture, she talks about the different experience model minorities go through. Estrada goes on to discuss thes similarities and differences but ties everything together with a brilliant conclusion by writing, “Yes, we can celebrate our differences because it makes this country what it is but we can also celebrate the binding virtues that unite us as a country”, which is something I feel was highlighted in our course.

Even though Cassandra Rea’s essay, “Evolving Through Time: The American Immigrant”, feels as though she is only mentioning the similarities and differences between original American immigrants, today’s American immigrants, Model Minorities, and Minorities; Rea goes fully into details and definitions of each one of these group of people that make up America. Her precise definitions help the reader better understand each group so that they are able to understand the differences and similarities. Rea’s paper is a good essay to check out and refer to if someone was unsure or had a question on a particular group of immigrants or minorities.

The essays mentioned previously have definitely given me good insight and has reinforced the knowledge from the American Immigrant course. They are the perfect guides to help me construct my own thoughts about the dominant culture, American immigrants, minorities, along with their differences and similarities. One can just hope and aspire to have their ideas about American Immigrants and their narratives brilliantly flow and come together to have an appearance on the Model assignments page.