Sample Student final answers 2013
(2013 final exam assignment)

#1: Research Reports

LITR 4333    
American Immigrant Literature
(Model Assignments)


Chelsea Jones

Mexican Americans: A Diamond in the Rough

Although Mexico is viewed on a map as our direct neighbor, for them, it seems as if hell could freeze over before access is granted to them. Most want to come to America to provide a better life for themselves and their families, but is it fair to the Americans who are already here? Would it in a sense be robbing Americans of the benefits this land has to offer? Would it contradict the hard work put in by our ancestors? Some studies say no. That having Mexican immigrants actually help our economy instead.

            At first glance, one would think that people who have to sneak over into a country that does not openly welcome them would have only objective at heart, to steal the jobs rightfully designated to those native of that country. It has been said that the worth of American jobs have been severely altered because of the desperation of the illegal immigrants. However, coincidentally, according to the New York Times, illegal immigrants help to stimulate our economy. “Nearly all economists, of all political persuasions, agree that immigrants – those here illegally or not – benefit the overall economy”. The United States of America has always been known as the “Land of Opportunity” for those living in other places, and their dream is to simply be able to make a living. After researching numerous topics regarding immigration and our economy, it is clear to see that the “problem” some Americans are rebelling against, is actually part of our solution to a failing economy. The New York Times article goes on to describe the life of an immigrant that was struggling to make his was in America. His story, like so many others give Americans like me, the options to reap the benefits. Illegal immigrants do not take jobs from Americans, they instead are more eager to take on the lower paying positions that most people would not want. This allows “Workers to become specialized and divide up tasks among themselves”. Things we take for granted like going out to eat could be drastically different. Instead of paying a Chef to clean dishes or tables, there are other workers who take advantage of such positions. This way, the costs of dining in a restaurant would not become preposterous as well as other things.

            With the many complaints of immigrants “invading” our land, what would happen if the immigrations to the United States were to drop? With our economy at a steadfast decline, it’s becoming even harder for immigrants who have no formal education and no legal rights, to find openings even with the cheapest labor. All Things Considered stated  that this, along with the high levels of deportation have forced many to see the benefits of going back, or staying in Mexico. But would this hurt the stimulation that they have produced for America? According to the Migration Policy Institute, it would not. They state that the percentage of “Immigration accounts for only a small share of the deterioration observed in less skilled Americans’ labor market employment and earnings. In the absence of immigration, wags might rise somewhat in certain occupations and certain areas, but probably not by enough to substantially improve the welfare of less-skilled workers.” 

            The focus in this article was not only wages and job positions, but the simplicity of the supply and demand principle. Along with illegal immigrants occupying the lower level jobs, they also spend American money to purchase American products. This sends the demand for products into an upward direction, creating the same demand for workers to create those products. Also, according to the Center for Immigration Studies, illegal Mexicans wages are so low, that they allow the savings that the companies possess to be passed along to their consumers. This way, the demand stays high, but the prices don’t.

            However, with the good, comes the bad. Although immigration has proven no decline in the United States’ economy, there has been a decline in the wages that are connected to the jobs held by immigrants. A study conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that the positions that many unskilled, high school dropouts pursue are many of the same job that Mexican immigrants are after as well. Since the competition is so high for the specific jobs, companies are able to lower the paying wages and still have a large amount of applicants. The study also shows that wages have dropped an estimated 5% and this is a loss that unskilled Americans are unwilling to accept. This allows immigrants to fill jobs positions that will leave Americans with no choice but to be unemployed. Some view this as a “push” for Americans. Some say that this should encourage others to stay in school and choose the option to attend college. As one of those people, I can honestly say that I agree.

            In researching this topic, I found that I have wrong about a lot of the assumptions I have made regarding Mexican American immigrants. I assumed that America was a crowded fish bowl of mixed species of fish. I thought that as more illegal immigrants piled into this cramped bowl, the space we occupied became smaller and smaller. But as I read and research, I find that this country is actually expanding as we grow. It not a comfortable expansion, but it is forcing us as Americans to do and experience things we would have never done. We are conforming our society to make room for a culture who simply want to belong. This culture is not set out to harm us and is not drastically ripping apart our economy. The idea of immigration can possibly be the glue that holds it together if we Americans become open minded.
