LITR 5731: Seminar in American Multicultural Literature (Immigrant)

 Index to Research Postings, summer 2008


Kristin Hamon
1st posting: 
The Dating Practices of Mexican American Adolescents: A Model for Assimilation or Resistance?
2nd posting: Birds of a Feather: Comparing the Flight Patterns of Mexican American Immigrants to Their Children

Cana Hauerland
1st posting: Whose Model Minority?
2nd posting: 
Hungry for a True Classification of Asian American Immigrants

Dana Kato
1st posting: The Seabrook Experience: Exploitation or Exoneration of the Japanese American Internee? (incl. revision)
2nd posting: Japanese Americans: A Model Minority Melting into Dominant Culture

Danielle Maldonado
1st posting: 
Immigration patterns of Sicilian Americans
2nd posting: 
Sicilians and Italians in Texas

Sandra Murphy
1st posting: Are We Headed for a Modern Day Tower of Babel?
2nd posting: Depression in immigrants: Character Development or Sad Reality?

Kimberly Ord
1st posting: Did She Really Want to Come? (Women's Immigration)
2nd posting: What was the Journey to Ellis Island Like?

Matt Richards
1st posting: When did they get here and why did they come?  Germans in Texas
2nd posting: German-American Immigrants:  why they came to America and when

Jessi Snider
1st posting: Breaking the Mold of the Model Minority
2nd posting: Never Entirely Unaffected (African Immigrants)

Larry Stanley
1st posting: Immigration: Given Rights or Earned?
2nd posting: Who Deserves the Title "Dominant Culture?"

Tanya Stanley
1st posting: Nostalgia within Immigrants:  Assimilation or Resistance?
2nd posting: 
Culinary Nostalgia:  Misremembering the Menus of the Past

Keith Vyvial
1st posting: Czech Immigrants and the Moravian Brethren
2nd posting: Immigrants and the Voting Process: A Promise of the American Dream?


Connie Bares
1st posting: 
Galveston – “Ellis Island of Texas”
2nd posting: Rewrite: Ellis Island of Texas

Lindsay Groth
Mega Web Review