LITR 4333: American Immigrant Literature

Index to 

Web Highlight Presentations 

fall 2007


Thursday, 6 September: “Model Minorities”: Asian American Immigrant Literature

·        Web highlight (midterms): Tami Gilley

Thursday, 13 September: African American Minority vs. the immigrant narrative. J

·        Web highlight (midterms): Lindsey Kerckhoff

Thursday, 27 September: Mexican Americans: Immigrant / American Dream story, or Minority?

·        Web highlight (midterms): Mallory Rogers

Thursday, 8 November: selections from the Exodus story in the Old Testament of the Bible (student provides; King James / Revised Standard version preferred);

·        Web highlight (final essays or research reports): Ashley Kauppi

Thursday, 15 November: The Pilgrims and the Hebrew model of national migration; prototype of white exclusiveness and purity? William Bradford, Of Plymouth Plantation (introduction, esp. p. xxii; chapters I-IV).

·        Web highlight (final essays and/or research reports: Ashley Webb