LITR 5731 Seminar in American Multicultural Literature: Immigrant

Index to Sample Student Midterms, summer 2006

Carrie Arnett     web review

Essay: “For Liberty and Justice for all.” 

Kristen Bird     web review

Essay: Stages in the Immigrant and Minority Narrative

Pauline Chapman web review

Essay: The Inclusive Immigrant Narrative

Cherie Correa    web review

Essay: Focusing on the similarities and differences of the immigrant and minority narratives . . .

Kaylee Daniel web review

Essay: The Differences We Have in Common

Kenneth Fisher web review

Essay: I must admit that this course has differed itself from other multi-cultural studies courses I’ve taken in the past. . . .

Karen Gonzalez web review

Essay: Americans . . . have celebrated the fabled “American Dream”

Midge Gorman   web review

Essay: “Immigrant / Minority” Distinction as Organizing Motif For Multicultural Literature

Donny Leveston web review

Essay: Various Aspects in Multicultural Literature

Gordon Lewis web review

Essay: Some ideas are so obvious, you are surprised that the idea has not previously been presented to you. . . .

Sharon Lockett web review

Essay: Multicultural Literature:  Narratives of Hunger

Amy Noblitt web review

Essay: It’s Not that Black and White; More Gray

Diane Palmer web review

Essay: The Thin Line between “Minority” and “Immigrant”

Kim Pritchard web review

Essay: The Immigrant Narrative--a Piece of the American Literary Puzzle

Katherine Rearick   web review

Essay: America is a country built by immigrants . . . 

Wayne Reed web review

Essay: From across a wide ocean . . .

Daniel Robison web review

Essay: We Are Just Alike, Only Different

Phil Thrash   web review

Essay: “We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident?”