LITR 4333: American Immigrant Literature

 Student Poetry Presentation 2006

Tuesday, 7 March

Poem: Martin Espada, “Coca-Cola and Coco Frio,” UA 124-5

Poetry reader: Loretta Gould

Objective #1- Immigrant narrative: It is his first visit to the "Island of family folklore" Ln. 2:

He has assimilated to American culture because when he comes in contact with Coca-Cola "he was bored with this potion, familiar from candy stores in brooklyn" Ln 12-13.

Objective #2- Character of generation: He is probably third generation, he meets his Great Aunts at a family gathering.

Objective #3- The immigrant pattern: He has assimilated, but has ambivalent attitudes towards American culture. Some third generation immigrants want to recover some kind of connection to the "homeland". "Suddenly, Puerto Rico was not Coca Cola or Brooklyn, and neither was he." Ln 20-21

The boy discovers some Ethnic identity thru his experience with the Coco Frio. He becomes aware of the mixed culture between the American and Puerto Rico culture of the Island.


Question #1- Why do you think the Author describes the boy as "Fat with his mouth open?"


Question #2- Why didn't he want to be "Coca Cola or Brooklyn?"


Question #3- How does he feel about the People of Puerto Rico?