LITR 4333: American Immigrant Literature

Sample Student Midterms 2006
Excerpts from long essays on immigrant / minority

 . . . Before having read these texts I had no definition of any status, whether immigrant, minority, or in between. I actually did not even think there was such a thing as being in between the two. I appreciate the fact that I can teach a person the basic differences between immigrants and minorities. Those words have always been something I have shied away from using. I also, as a result of class discussion, have learned that black people fall into separate categories. Some are African American and some are just black or African. This information was very interesting to me. I feel I have always known that American is quite a melting pot, but having read these texts, and the new assignment, “Bread Giver”, I am able to see more clearly the struggles that immigrants and minorities have faced as a result of the American Dream. I appreciate these different cultures a lot more, and their stories are all so unique and fascinating! [JH]