LITR 4332: American Minority Literature, UHCL

Table of ethnic dominant-minority characteristics.


Dominant culture

Minority culture
Race / ethnicity

White, Anglo, "Northern"

Af Am, Mex Am, Native Am


Voluntary, "immigrant culture," "American Dream"

Involuntary or forced contact, "American Nightmare"



Dominant voice, owns media

repressed or coded language (sometimes establishes identity); double language; using dom. culture's language against them

Subject-object (philosophical and syntactic identity,  power relations)

Subject: decides and “acts” for itself

Object: decisions are made for object, object is “acted upon,” spoken for


Table of gender (heterosexual) dominant-minority characteristics.


Dominant culture Minority culture

Heterosexual gender



Choice (coming to America, or joining mobile American culture)

The frontier, opportunity

Leaving behind family relations, less enthusiastic, but "whither thou goest"

Choice (self-determination)

Patriarchy determines values, options, esp. individuality over community; Abortion: "It's a child, not a choice"

Alternative values? "Relationality?" Abortion: "It's a woman's choice."


Loud and clear; Listen to your father; man leads prayer; scripture/word of God as male production

Less direct; double language (“Yes, dear”), codes

Subject-object (philosophical and syntactic identity, relations)

Example of rape: dominant gender as subject exercises voice, choice

Example of rape: minority gender as object is denied choice or voice



Table of gender (homosexual) dominant-minority characteristics.


Dominant culture Minority culture
Homosexual gender

Straight; economically (re)productive

Gay / Lesbian; cannot reproduce, therefore "unnatural" and economically non-productive?

Choice in being gay

Religious Right: "It's a lifestyle choice"; therefore marginalize & silence gays as sinful, "unnatural"

Research: genetically programmed? (i. e., no choice) Plus or minus environment—

Alternative: respectful choice


"I don't want to hear about it"; "Don't ask, don't tell"; "The love that dare not speak its name."


Don't teach! (Fear of modeling, normalization)

Coded language and signs (earrings, etc.)

(Direct speech can get you killed)

>(more recently) out of closet

Gay Pride

"Act up"; "Screamers"; “Tongues Untied”