Tuesday, 18 November: Bless Me, Ultima Poetry presentation(s): Pat Mora, “Senora X” Reader / Discussion Leader: Lorraine Joseph
Señora X No More by Pat Mora
Straight as a nun I sit.
Cultural or Minority-Concept Objectives (1-4) Historical foundation:
Objective 4a. Generally speaking, minority groups place more emphasis on “traditional” or “community” aspects of human society, such as extended families or alternative families, and they mistrust “institutions.” The dominant culture celebrates individuals and nuclear families and identifies more with dominant-cultural institutions or its representatives, like law enforcement officers, teachers, bureaucrats, etc. (Much variation, though.)
Objective 6: Minorities and Language . . . 6a. To regard literacy as the primary code of modern existence and a key or path to empowerment. 6b. To emphasize how all speakers and writers use literary devices such as narrative and figures of speech. . . . 6e. To note variations of standard English by minority writers and speakers.
Questions: 2. How do you interpret this poem as either an immigrant or minority experience? (Objectives foundation + 5c) 2a. How do the women and their children resemble an immigrant culture in terms of language acquisition? 2b. What is the significance of
literacy for the women in the poem? 3. How does the poem represent
a Mexican American or Hispanic / Latino stepping out of its tradition concerning
education? (Objective 4a)