LITR 4332: American Minority
Literature Monday, 30 April: Pat Mora, “La Migra” UA 367-368. Reader: Mallory Rogers
“La Migra” By Pat Mora I knew that previous speakers have given everyone enough biographical information; therefore, I chose to pick a couple of sentences that would sum up Pat Mora effectively and quite nicely from her webpage PatMora.com. “A
former consultant, museum director, university administrator and teacher,
“La Migra” Page 367-368
Class Objectives: « 2a. Gender: Is the status of women… analogous to that of ethnic minorities in terms of voice and choice? « 2c. “Quick check” on minority status: What is the individual or group’s relation to “the law” or other dominant institutions? Does “the law” (e.g. the police) make things better or worse? « 5a. To discover the power of poetry ans fiction to help “others” hear the minority voice and vicariously share the minority experience.
Questions: 1. Who has the greatest advantage in the game “La Migra?” 2. If the gender roles were reversed, would the male officers in the first stanza change their attitudes or do you think it wouldn’t make a difference? 3. Does the poet’s use of two different speakers make the piece more powerful?